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Witness the Exposure November 22, 2017

Posted by Danna Beal in Authentic Power, Awaken, Inner Peace, Love, Planetary Evolution, Self-Forgiveness, Spiritual Energy, Universal Love.
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Greetings friends,
This is a compilation of some parts of the messages I have received in the past few months but haven’t posted. The ultimate message is one of Universal Love arising in all of us, but at this time it may not always feel like it. Here are the messages:

Celebrate the new energy coming to the planet even when it doesn’t appear so. An enormous exposure of epic proportions is occurring, revealing the underbelly of the hidden scenes supporting the artificial structure of interweaving connections. The exposure is like lifting a huge rock, revealing the insects and worms living beneath it–hidden and protected by the dark and heavy stone. Many of the people who appear to be in charge but who are operating from the greed of the ego, are actually small potatoes. They are only the tip of the iceberg of what has been occurring for generations by those who would manipulate the world for their own gain.

You are now all witnessing the unraveling of the ego on the grand stage–individually and collectively. Don’t despair! Simply observe without fear as the evolutionary shift unfolds before your eyes. If you feel called to action, trust your inner guidance and stand for truth to power.

The exposure will liberate people from the grip of the hidden powers of people who have been overpowering others. Burgeoning efforts by many are bringing about the shift in consciousness. Foretold expansion and changes are arriving. Great tidings for the most awaited time in the history of the planet are happening now with joyous results. Celebrate the new energy coming to the planet.

The source of the problem is the competitive nature within the web of egos. It is a theme of one-upmanship–an effort to gain power and validation over and from others. What most do not understand is that the solution lies in noticing, disengaging, and releasing the seeds of competition in yourself. It can be difficult to do, but it is the necessary and most direct path for awakening.

As you notice the small, petty opinions, comparisons, and judgments made by you, you are valiantly letting go of the grip of your own ego and allowing your true self to emerge. As you set yourself free, you are helping others free themselves. It takes great courage to see the problems or fears in one’s self but that is the path to the strength of authentic power. You don’t need to seek outside for validation, even from those closet to you. Align and trust your inner guidance of Love because your limited viewpoint is too small.

We share with you from a higher perspective, unlimited my time and space. Living from the small version of yourself can keep you frozen or stuck. Your shadow is not deserving of this much time and attention. Stop clinging and reverting to its fearful thoughts and attempts to disqualify you. Do not compare yourself to others and don’t despair or believe your fearful stories.

When you feel fearful, understand that the shadow is completely dedicated to keeping you in shame and insecurity so that you will not ask for and receive divine guidance.

You belong here, doing what you are doing, advancing each hour and day, building momentum and perspective. Trial and error are guidepost which help you see the path ahead, not to limit you, but to inspire you to go further than ever before. Emanate love and compassion, seeing each person as on his/her own path of awakening–no matter how it appears to you.

Prepare for the new dawn of civilization awaiting each of you as you realize your freedom and discover that the source of your dismay is coming from you. All is well, even in these world-wide dark and bleak appearing circumstances. Blind faith is your strength and passion is your source of perseverance. Trust in the almighty strength of Love–your true source. Your source is so magnificent and powerful that it cannot be compared to anything you can achieve by your own efforts.

Attempts to elevate yourself through the fear stemming from your ego are useless efforts. Let go and see that you are right where you need to be. Blind spots in your road can be illuminated with focus and attention.

Trust in your true nature. Your joy is our joy, your strength is our strength. Your courage is supported by us at every moment. We are with you. We are you–without the limitations that you hold in your experience. Bless you and continue in your journey of self-discovery and share your understanding with those you encounter.

There is a source more powerful and greater than any circumstances or mishaps that are appearing in your world. Why do you try to go it alone? Be not dismayed and discouraged—rather lift up and trust in the guiding light of Love. We are here, awaiting your recognition and response at every moment. We love you and provide you with immediate assistance in every environment and each situation. We have not deserted you, nor would we ever. The treasures that await you are blessed with the guidance that will fulfill and delight you.

Bathe in the light of our love. Bask in our delight with you. Take down the shields and allow love to join you in every decision. Feel our presence–the infusion of energy and joy. We are with you at every juncture, paving the way for the perfect journey. Trust in the imminent and powerful infusion of joy and replenishment for you.

Be still and know we are here with you. Your choice to believe in us, even during these experiences of disruptions and significant upsets, carries you through all circumstances. Absolute trust is all we require of you, dear friends and comrades. We guide you as you go beyond the known, the physical limitations of the current state of consciousness, leading others to a new way of understanding, a higher level of clarity, and a place of diminishing fears—a place where only Love abides.


1. Danna Beal - November 22, 2017

Thanks, Tim.


Danna Beal - November 22, 2017

Hey, Tim. I am on Facebook–Danna Beal. I also have a page–Facebook/healingtheworkplaceculture. Please feel free to share these. Thanks for your support!


2. Tim Kreutter - November 22, 2017

Thanks so much – please keep it up. Are you on Facebook? If not, I think you would really expand your audience with people sharing such posts as this – they are so good.

blessings, Tim


Liked by 1 person

3. Fran Fisher - November 22, 2017

Danna, Thank you for taking the time to compile these messages. They are zingers! These messages are full of hope and light and guidance for how to BE in partnership with the unseen forces for good. Love, Fran

Liked by 1 person

Danna Beal - November 22, 2017

Thank you, Fran, for your thoughtful comments.


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