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A Framework for Human Connections April 26, 2021

Posted by Danna Beal in 1.

Plans to create a new world through an evolutionary, planetary shift have been developing for thousands of years. The steps have included the emergence of a faction of people who would spiritually evolve and expose the underlying character of those who would attempt to control the entire world for their own personal power, wants and needs.

This faction of people has been quietly growing, building an understanding of the nature of human society; including its inner workings, networks, connections, and symbiotic interactions. These people have gone through great trials and tribulations to develop their insights and realizations. Growing in their own spiritual mastery has enabled them to understand and remove the underpinnings of the current structure that has actually held society together.

This framework that has lasted for thousands of years has been bound by the human connections and interactions. The actions and counter-actions, often based on fear, have provided the very structure of the ever-escalating human drama to an intensity never seen before. Those of you here now have come as part of the plan to unravel, dismantle, and remove the structure that has allowed society to exist but is no longer sustainable.

Human society has been gradually shifting due to the withdrawal of the support and commitment to the framework of connections. Like a honeycomb, whose cells are being deserted and abandoned, the structure of society is actually ready to collapse, even though it appears to be the same. This is happening because those giving it the support, energy, and life to operate, have left the honeycomb, so to speak. The drones have left the nest.

This hollow honeycomb structure is no longer viable and will deteriorate and dissolve into emptiness. Those few who believe it is real, will find out it will no longer function. It cannot operate because the human consciousness essential to this once central organizing structure has departed. This is not intended to cause fear but to actually provide relief from the intense, ever-building pressure.

If you are hearing this now, you are one of such people, who has come here to awaken and support others. You can assist others in the process of awakening and withdrawing from the current theme of attack and overcome, expressed as projection and blame, shame and persecution, and, most of all, greed and drive for power and validation at the expense of others. You are the ones who can arise in your spiritual power and bring clarity to such confusion and mayhem.

Throughout the history of the world, there has never been such dissension and disruption.  Eruptions and wars between people in different parts of the planet, between people from different faiths, beliefs, and differences of all kinds, have been on-going. But what you now have is a massive world shift in the world order, in which the structure will suddenly fail and no longer bear the weight and pressure of dissension being intensely played out.  The very framework of humanity will burst, creating a massive shift for a better world– not based on greed and individual power but grounded in cooperation, trust, and expansion for all people in a new world.

This once busy habitat, an interactive structure of a society, is now tired and divided. The societal structure has been abandoned by so many, and although it appears to be operating, it is about to fall apart, descending and dissolving into oblivion. The life energy that has kept it alive has shifted to a new vital world, through individual beings awakening and withdrawing from the old framework.  Its purpose will no longer be needed, although a few will be the last to give up on the lifeless structure, the empty shell of a former world.

Ego-driven leaders, fueled by artificial power, are at the pinnacle of the false structure. Although appearing real, the framework is actually fragile. It is comprised of intertwining layers designed by a few false giants of society. These artificial leaders have lost their footing and are desperately trying to retain it.  The structure is about to sink into the abyss of past civilizations that have collapsed throughout the ages of time.

This shift is ushering in a new and compassionate world, anchored in the power of Universal Love. Individuals will realize the joy and deep satisfaction of a peaceful world where people honor and respect one another and live in peace. This dazzling and miraculous evolution is the planetary shift heralded throughout time. Awaken, rejoice, and celebrate.  The awaited time is here now!Advertisementsabout:blankREPORT THIS AD

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Be Free from Fear and Guilt

Posted by Danna Beal in Authentic PowerAwakenEmancipationInner Peace.
Tags: alignmentAwakenEgofreedom
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Blind ambition, greed, and hostility have reached a maximum level and are leading to sweeping changes that will change the world as you know it. Dramatic results are pending and are awaiting the participation of more people in alignment. Your path is to continue respect, honoring, and helping people in understanding and awakening to truth. Pledge allegiance to truth and compassion for it is your mission. You are each a witness and demonstration of the power of authenticity in relationships. Self-realization is the path to peace, love and joy. The result is freedom from fear.

Don’t allow the words or complaints of others to diminish your true, authentic power—the path you have been on your whole life. Give up false pretenses, see your own weaknesses with compassion and release yourself from fear and guilt.  Join the massive parade of leaders, not on the sidelines. but marching in front, on the road to freedom.

This is the time of reunification with your soul. Don’t shy away and/or doubt your role. That is false humility. Be strong. Be powerful. Each of you can Illuminate the path for others. That is why you are here!! See it, own it, honor it, and reclaim your right to do this powerful and awesome (in the truest sense) work that you came to accomplish.  Maximize your efforts through meditation and alignment. This is the culmination of all your beautiful steps, your joyful path of reclamation. Avail yourself of the strength of the divine power from which you emerged—a dimension beyond this place in time and space. This is a proclamation of your authentic power! Rise higher and contribute from the authority of the divine—not your small versions of yourselves, but from your holiest of selves, your true self, your inner spiritual greatness. Peace be with you.


1. Barbara Frank - May 1, 2021

WOW! Quite the writing!

Hope you are doing well – you and your men/man 🙂

Here quiet on the home front.

We are due to talk at some point soon right?

When are you around? (I’m sure we can find some common time…)

Love, Jordy and me

Barbara Frank (905) 279-9535 *BFrankCommunication!*

*…simplifying information so more people “get it”* http:www.youtube.com/user/businessbuffet ca.linkedin.com/in/bfrankcommunication

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 5:49 PM Messages from Twelve Wise Ones wrote:

> Danna Beal posted: ” Plans to create a new world through an evolutionary, > planetary shift have been developing for thousands of years. The steps have > included the emergence of a faction of people who would spiritually evolve > and expose the underlying character of those who w” >


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