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Your Role in Times of Sweeping Change March 16, 2020

Posted by Danna Beal in Authentic Power, Awaken, Emancipation, Inner Peace.
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Blind ambition, greed, and hostility have reached a maximum level and it is leading to sweeping changes that will change the world as you know it. Dramatic results are pending and are awaiting the participation of more people in alignment. Your path is to continue helping people in understanding and awakening to truth. Pledge allegiance to truth and compassion for it is your mission. You are a witness and demonstration of the power of authenticity in relationships. Self-realization is the path to peace, love and joy. The result is freedom from fear.

Don’t allow the words or complaints of others to diminish your true power—the path you have been on your whole life.  Give up false pretenses, see your own weaknesses with compassion and release yourself from fear and guilt.  Join the massive parade of leaders, not on the sidelines. but marching in front, on the road to freedom.

This is the time of reunification with your soul.  Don’t shy away and/or doubt your role. That is false humility. Be strong. Be powerful.  Illuminate the path for others.  That is why you are here!!  See it, own it, honor it and reclaim your right to do this powerful and awesome (in the truest sense) work that you came to accomplish.  Maximize your efforts through meditation and alignment. This is the culmination of all your beautiful steps, your joyful path of reclamation.  Avail yourself of the strength of the divine power from which you emerged—a dimension beyond this place in time and space. This is a proclamation of your authentic power! Rise higher and contribute from the authority of the divine—not your small version of yourself, but from your holiest of selves, your true self, your inner spiritual greatness. Peace be with you.

Stop Scaring Yourself to Death with Your Own Fictitious Stories October 2, 2018

Posted by Danna Beal in 1, Awaken, Emancipation, Forgiveness, Personal Freedom.
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Stop Scaring Yourself to Death with Your Own Fictitious Stories. Join John Smallman and me as we discuss how pain and fear can awaken us to who we truly are. Then read below that summarizes our conversation.

In a world of diverse beliefs, conflict, blame, and shame, it is sometimes hard to remain seated in your own soul and grounded in your own authentic power.  We can be pulled one way and another, believing in false stories, interpretations, misunderstandings and confused conclusions.  However, we often add to the on-going drama with our own personal stories of fear that were concocted by the ego to keep us trapped in its grip.  The ego is a tormentor and the source of self-doubt–often in such a hysterical state, it is hard to believe we actually listen to its fearful warnings.  But we do listen and we can put ourselves in a frozen, painful state of torment and anxiety–mind spinning in endless possibilities. We create stories of catastrophe and future suffering in a misguided attempt to keep us safe and to keep us prepared for emergencies, almost like disaster preparedness training; only these stories you are creating are the worst possible circumstances that are never really likely to occur.  When we can unravel the drama in our own story, we can help unravel the pain and suffering in the world.  Healing our own heart is the path to healing the culture and structure on this planet.

Path of awakening

The circumstance causing us so much pain is actually a path of awakening designed by our own soul to discover our true, authentic selves. Our resistance to seeing the source of our suffering is what is actually causes the real pain!  Revealing to ourselves that we are the cause of our suffering is EMANCIPATION–freedom on the journey of the soul. When we can allow ourselves to truly look at fears and hidden doubts, we can release them and restore ourselves to authenticity and joy.

Discover the hidden complaint about yourself that is controlling your life and preventing you from being your true self, your soul.  Lack of self-worth shows up in relationships and it presents itself in various ways as a plan by your soul to awaken you to your true self .

In the absence of our soul’s true worth, we make up identities that we believe will prove we are worthy and powerful. Discovering that these roles are just actors, limited by self-directed scripts is a huge revelation! The secret to awakening is discovering that no matter how hard we try, the artificial roles are NOT ENOUGH.  Here are some of props or circumstances that can trigger our lack of internal worth but can be the opening to your personal restoration:

  • Financial worth:
    Our society is often based on idolatry of the rich and famous.  When we compare ourselves, we can berate ourselves for not being financially successful and/or famous.  Accumulating wealth is not a measure of our worth in reality but in the ego world it is.
  • Physical beauty, size, weight, etc.
    Studies show that teenage girls can become instantly depressed when reading fashion magazines showing anorexic and photo-shopped models wearing outrageously expensive clothes and accessories. Both men and women fall victim to this need to have physical beauty defined by fashion trends, movies, and other external variables.
  • Titles, occupations, and educational degrees
    Outside certifications, validations, degrees are recognized as credentials and proof of accomplishments. These are important guidelines and educational standards for societies to rely on, but even these can be used to validate a sense of worth or be confused with one’s true inner worth.  Losing your job can threaten your sense of who you are, but it is not your identity–just a role you play.
  • Clubs, societies, cliques, political groups, alumni associations, churches, sports fan clubs, etc.
    As social animals, human beings wanted to be accepted and included, and people bonding based on common goals creates synergy and accomplishes what one cannot do. Even small groups, using group will, can make significant changes. The question to ask in these groups of people is, “Who benefits here?” If it helps and elevates people, it is powerful.  If its intention is to suppress, oppress, exploit, or overcomes others, it is collection of egos and it is employing artificial power. Being a member in any of these groups or societies, even when it is worthwhile, still does not define your personal worth. It is a by-product of knowing who you are.
  • Partner

    Even the love partner can be part of your identify.  When one loses the validation, companionship, sense of love and support from the partner and society’s recognition can cause a great sense of loss.  The bitter-sweetness of the loss is that it can break your heart open to receive light shining in from yourself and others.

Here are my suggested steps to awaken from fearful, confusing, or painful moments:

When we can align with our inner knowing, our deepest self we connect with a source and a power greater than anything external.  By connecting with Universal Love, we find comfort, support, and wisdom to know how to deal with each situation as it arises.  It is counter-intuitive, but when we slow down we find clarity and accomplish more. Here are my suggestions on the path to freedom:

  1. Pause and take a deep breath.
  2. Bring your self to the present moment by focusing on your breathing.
  3. Relax and feel yourself letting go of the busy mind.
  4. Trust in the knowledge that you belong here, and you are connected to Love, the power that sustains all life.
  5. Hold your struggle or conflict in your consciousness and ask your inner wisdom, “What is the threat here? What am I really afraid of? What am I trying to protect?”
  6. As you allow yourself to see the belief or fear that is holding you hostage, you can stop hiding it from yourself.
  7. Know that you actually have the power within to face and deal with each situation as they arise when you operate in the present moment from your inner wisdom.
  8. Remind yourself that 99% of your worries never occur—they are creations of your mind to try to protect you and prepare you. But your hidden fears can be debilitating.
  9. Practice becoming present and connecting with Love—the very reason you exist.

A Modern Mystic–Mary Reed-Aug 28-RSVP August 15, 2018

Posted by Danna Beal in Awaken, Emancipation, Forgiveness, Global Oneness, Planetary Evolution, Spiritual evolution.
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Dear Friends,

I am excited to tell you about a very special and private (and limited seating) event to Mary Reedmeet Mary Reed, author of The Unwitting Mystic.  Although she lives in the Himalayas during ¾ of the year, she has been heard worldwide and will be in our area later this month for speaking engagements. We are fortunate to get the opportunity to meet her in a private, in a more intimate setting where we can ask her questions.

I became friends with her through John Smallman, who many of you know.  I am inviting you to the event which will be held in the condo meeting room of my friends, Jessica Saepof and Randy Styer on Mercer Island. Because of the limited seating, please RSVP to me ASAP. with your name and guest(s).   Mary has a powerful healing message for these turbulent times in the world. You must RSVP at danna@dannabeal.com

Event details:

Date:  Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 7-9PM

Location:  Hadley Apt. 2601 76th Ave. SE, Mercer Island. It is a 6-story building and has an underground parking entrance.

Parking: Underground beneath the building at sign for Hadley Apt.  Drive up one level and follow signs to retail/leasing parking areas. We will let you in there at the security entrance. We will put up some signs, too.  My phone is 425-785-2862 if you need to reach me.

Cost: Love offering (suggested $20 but whatever you feel moved to give)

Here is information about Mary Reed with links to previewing her on-line. Please let me know if you are coming and if you are bringing a guest(s).

RSVP:  danna@dannabeal.com

An Evening with Modern Mystic, Mary Reed

BIO: Mary Reed is an “accidental” modern mystic who grew up devoutly agnostic. In 2011 she left her executive life in Washington, DC for a monastic life in the Himalayas after struggling for eleven years with the impact of veering uncontrollably into otherworldly realms encountering God, Jesus, Buddha, angels and unfathomable wisdom. These events finally turned her life inside out, and now when not living in the remote Buddhist nunnery she calls home in India, Mary travels the world detailing profound mystical insights that reveal wildly inspiring — and sorely needed — perspectives that shed new light on the significance of these extraordinary times. 

Description: An Evening with Modern Mystic Mary Reed

In this special private gathering, Mary will offer a glimpse into her highly unusual life and share stories of Divine wisdom that are startling to the mind and yet deeply familiar to the heart. She will also lead guests in a powerful exercise that provides an experiential understanding of Oneness, taking us out of our framework of beliefs and into the direct knowing within. Guests will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive signed copies of award-winning book, Unwitting Mystic, which is currently in development as a feature-length film.

Here’s a link to the 5-minute video, which conveys the “enchanted” nature of my life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BP-QE1vn6Q

To get a glimpse of her work/style, here’s her What Love Really Is video from 2016 that sets up the overview of what’s collapsing in our current tumultuous times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvrZ-rkOF6c

And, if you’re interested, here’s the most recent video that includes some of what she’s talking with audiences about this year to start moving people forward in actively using what’s happening in our world today to create the life we really want: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0nQymyadfE  (She just gave this talk a couple of weeks ago.)

In this intimate gathering with people who don’t yet know her, she will tell more of her ‘relatable’ background to put you at ease, so you will get a sense of her as a normal person just like all of us.

You must RSVP:  danna@dannabeal.com

Do You Want a Vibrant Life without Pain? May 16, 2018

Posted by Danna Beal in 1, Emancipation, Personal Freedom.
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I hear and witness so many people who feel their life is somewhat restricted or slowed down due to arthritis or other aches, pains, and health limitations.  I too, had been putting some limitations on my activities and even my posture due to a back fusion a few years ago.  But in last couple years, I have had a breakthrough and discovered that it was fear of hurting myself in some way that was causing self-protection, which itself became the pain.  My unconsciously tightened muscles around my spine became stiff and sore over time. So rather than operate with caution, I increased my yoga, added more exercise and walked farther, and I started feeling great and younger!

What I have been inspired to share is this understanding. Unfortunately, the path of least resistance is followed by most people. But doing nothing and creating a less active world, leads to apathy, suppression, denial, and guilt. Families and individuals for generations have gone down this path, leading to more disappointment, depression, disabling consequences, and even early death.

But you need to know this. Choices are always available to do more, to grow, to enlarge oneself, to seek opportunity, to delve deeper and to live a life that is more exhilarating, bright and joyful. Why would anyone choose anything else? And yet, the unenhanced and undeveloped life is the path chosen by most and they begin allowing their lives to decline.  You can change that when you understand remarkable lives are actually the result of actively engaging and choosing opportunities from a myriad of possibilities when you are open. Life is meant to be enjoyed with aspiration and continuing advancement:  physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually!!!

Unconscious physical self-protection, just like emotional protection, results in caution, limited mobility, lack of adventure, stiffness, and the lack of excitement. The restrictions become painful walls, resulting in stiff limbs and joints, and shortened lives.  Again, why would anyone choose this? Only if they don’t know their ability to take charge.

Bone and joint disease, in many cases, is result of atrophy:  results from fear of pain, avoiding movement that may hurt, resulting physical protection that worsens the disease and causes change in pain. Unfortunately, humans are slowly dying and debilitating themselves. It’s time to choose a different life experience.  Instead, rebuild, rejoice, restore, and rejuvenate by going through the self-protection.  It is your choice!!

Choose to be alive and not in a continual decline and you will be the witness to yourself of these words. Be alive! Live fully! You will live lives that are unattainable when operating in fear, remorse, guilt and shame.  Live vibrantly and share your gifts a passion and love. Self-appointed limitations are just that, and they prevent individuals from experiencing all that they came to do.

Flood your life with experiences. Days will be filled with expansion, activity, friends, action, encounters, and happiness. You were meant to be happy and healthy. Embracing fear and choosing ways to expand your physical limits and the actions will lift you to new heights. Align with your soul an dedicate yourself to good health and a remarkable life of freedom and joy!!

I invite you to read, Back in Control, by David Hanscom, MD, a spine surgeon at Swedish Hospital, for more information about pain, the brain and pain, and designing your own care.

Witness the Exposure November 22, 2017

Posted by Danna Beal in Authentic Power, Awaken, Inner Peace, Love, Planetary Evolution, Self-Forgiveness, Spiritual Energy, Universal Love.
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Greetings friends,
This is a compilation of some parts of the messages I have received in the past few months but haven’t posted. The ultimate message is one of Universal Love arising in all of us, but at this time it may not always feel like it. Here are the messages:

Celebrate the new energy coming to the planet even when it doesn’t appear so. An enormous exposure of epic proportions is occurring, revealing the underbelly of the hidden scenes supporting the artificial structure of interweaving connections. The exposure is like lifting a huge rock, revealing the insects and worms living beneath it–hidden and protected by the dark and heavy stone. Many of the people who appear to be in charge but who are operating from the greed of the ego, are actually small potatoes. They are only the tip of the iceberg of what has been occurring for generations by those who would manipulate the world for their own gain.

You are now all witnessing the unraveling of the ego on the grand stage–individually and collectively. Don’t despair! Simply observe without fear as the evolutionary shift unfolds before your eyes. If you feel called to action, trust your inner guidance and stand for truth to power.

The exposure will liberate people from the grip of the hidden powers of people who have been overpowering others. Burgeoning efforts by many are bringing about the shift in consciousness. Foretold expansion and changes are arriving. Great tidings for the most awaited time in the history of the planet are happening now with joyous results. Celebrate the new energy coming to the planet.

The source of the problem is the competitive nature within the web of egos. It is a theme of one-upmanship–an effort to gain power and validation over and from others. What most do not understand is that the solution lies in noticing, disengaging, and releasing the seeds of competition in yourself. It can be difficult to do, but it is the necessary and most direct path for awakening.

As you notice the small, petty opinions, comparisons, and judgments made by you, you are valiantly letting go of the grip of your own ego and allowing your true self to emerge. As you set yourself free, you are helping others free themselves. It takes great courage to see the problems or fears in one’s self but that is the path to the strength of authentic power. You don’t need to seek outside for validation, even from those closet to you. Align and trust your inner guidance of Love because your limited viewpoint is too small.

We share with you from a higher perspective, unlimited my time and space. Living from the small version of yourself can keep you frozen or stuck. Your shadow is not deserving of this much time and attention. Stop clinging and reverting to its fearful thoughts and attempts to disqualify you. Do not compare yourself to others and don’t despair or believe your fearful stories.

When you feel fearful, understand that the shadow is completely dedicated to keeping you in shame and insecurity so that you will not ask for and receive divine guidance.

You belong here, doing what you are doing, advancing each hour and day, building momentum and perspective. Trial and error are guidepost which help you see the path ahead, not to limit you, but to inspire you to go further than ever before. Emanate love and compassion, seeing each person as on his/her own path of awakening–no matter how it appears to you.

Prepare for the new dawn of civilization awaiting each of you as you realize your freedom and discover that the source of your dismay is coming from you. All is well, even in these world-wide dark and bleak appearing circumstances. Blind faith is your strength and passion is your source of perseverance. Trust in the almighty strength of Love–your true source. Your source is so magnificent and powerful that it cannot be compared to anything you can achieve by your own efforts.

Attempts to elevate yourself through the fear stemming from your ego are useless efforts. Let go and see that you are right where you need to be. Blind spots in your road can be illuminated with focus and attention.

Trust in your true nature. Your joy is our joy, your strength is our strength. Your courage is supported by us at every moment. We are with you. We are you–without the limitations that you hold in your experience. Bless you and continue in your journey of self-discovery and share your understanding with those you encounter.

There is a source more powerful and greater than any circumstances or mishaps that are appearing in your world. Why do you try to go it alone? Be not dismayed and discouraged—rather lift up and trust in the guiding light of Love. We are here, awaiting your recognition and response at every moment. We love you and provide you with immediate assistance in every environment and each situation. We have not deserted you, nor would we ever. The treasures that await you are blessed with the guidance that will fulfill and delight you.

Bathe in the light of our love. Bask in our delight with you. Take down the shields and allow love to join you in every decision. Feel our presence–the infusion of energy and joy. We are with you at every juncture, paving the way for the perfect journey. Trust in the imminent and powerful infusion of joy and replenishment for you.

Be still and know we are here with you. Your choice to believe in us, even during these experiences of disruptions and significant upsets, carries you through all circumstances. Absolute trust is all we require of you, dear friends and comrades. We guide you as you go beyond the known, the physical limitations of the current state of consciousness, leading others to a new way of understanding, a higher level of clarity, and a place of diminishing fears—a place where only Love abides.

Finding Peace and Love During Challenging Times November 17, 2017

Posted by Danna Beal in 1, Awaken, Emancipation, Inner Peace, Love, Spiritual shift.
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Join John Smallman and me in a conversation on finding peace and love during challenging times. We share our experiences and offer some tips for shifting your attention and aligning with inner guidance when you are experience difficulty, anxiety, and uncertainty.

Video–John Smallman and Danna Beal


When You Worry About Your Adult Child November 15, 2017

Posted by Danna Beal in 1, Emancipation, Inner Peace, Love, Relationships.
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I shared the following message with a coaching client a year ago who was having fear and anxiety about her grown child and her life choices.  Six months later I realized the message was for me when my adult son broke his neck in a mountain biking accident. Before I go further, I want to add that he is on a path of healing and wellness due to the love from family and friends, great doctors, and his own resiliency and positive attitude.

But for me, as a mother, it was an excruciatingly painful time, especially in the uncertain time in the first few weeks. Maintaining an alignment with my divine source was a daily practice and some days for me, it was almost impossible due to my fears. The message below, as well as love and support from my family and friends, helped me.  I had to read it and focus on it many, many times, but it shifted my limited view that was coming from a mother’s eyes, to one of trust and respect for my adult son’s courage and belief in himself.

Here is the message:

Children rarely follow the path their parents have envisioned for them. Each child has many twists and turns in the road to and throughout adulthood. Every child is really the prodigal son, in a sense, in that each must take his or her own journey.

When you love your children deeply you can mistakenly believe you know what is best for them, even when they are adults. It is deep love, predicated by a desire to keep them safe, that creates the illusion that telling them what to do will protect them from their own lives.  You only want for their happiness and survival in what appears to be a scary world. What is not usually understood is that the child is an equal soul and has his/her own journey to be followed based on the needs of his/her own chosen destiny.

If you worry about your adult children, this message and consequent understanding should give you some relief. You cannot really impact your children’s choices based on your own fears and desires, but you can inspire and fortify their courage by demonstrating faith in them to make the right choices for themselves. Offering unconditional love but not responsibility for their decisions– no matter how their choices appear to you, is the ultimate gift you can give them. When asked, it is appropriate to offer your suggestions and wisdom but still, emphasizing that they make their own choices.  Demonstrate trust that they will make the best choices for themselves. Trust that your children’s decisions are part of their experience—not right or wrong, no matter how it appears to you.

Admonishments and warnings about negative consequences to your adult child’s life are based on your own fears. It is out of love that you give your opinions, but they can be received as criticism or lack of confidence in them. In some cases, it can create a breach and an alienation in the relationship. You are learning one of life’s most difficult lessons—letting go and allowing a child its natural birthright and responsibility to follow his/her chosen path, even when it appears careless, risky, or mistaken. It is a difficult lesson because parents so love their children, and as human beings, the desire is protect them.

The release comes when parents tell their children that they trust them to make the best decisions for their own lives and, as parents, they wish only the best for them.  If you, as a parent, offer an opinion and it is rejected, it helps to explain that you recognize and acknowledge that they must make their own choices.  Your children’s life decisions are theirs to make and they will face their own results—those that may appear good or bad to you, but are all, ultimately, part of their awakening. Resist the unconscious desire to project your own worries and fears on your children.

All the love parents feel does not give them the ability or the responsibility to usurp their children’s power. Parents do not have the vision to see what is truly best for their children’s soul journeys.  Views through a parent’s eyes cannot see the perspective that comes from a higher spiritual vantage. Parents often maintain an image of their child that is no longer accurate.  Letting go of the limited image from a parent’s eyes and seeing a child as an adult is a difficult but rewarding transition.  The good news is that your only work is loving each child’s own heart and letting go of fear. And as we free our children, we free ourselves.

Do Not Disavow Yourself December 18, 2016

Posted by Danna Beal in Forgiveness, Inner Peace.
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It is essential that you listen to this.  Your shadow side blocks your flow of communication with the divine and with others. It will continue to block if you allow it. It is essential for each one of you to recover and restore your beautiful essence. The power to fulfill your divine purpose will be restored and rebuilt allowing you to move forward as you never have before. Wake up from the dreadful dream, the nightmare of self-imprisonment. The shadow (ego) prevents you from connecting with others.

This is categorically the most important thing you can do to stand up and come out of whatever situation you are in, and to help others escape this paralyzing grip of misfortune and mayhem.  The world is in an epic time of catastrophic events.  Blaming others doesn’t help. Challenge with sincere conviction all the words that reduce your power and allow us, your inner guidance, to help you work with the undulating, divine energy pulsating through you.  Be bold, be tireless, committed and unflinching.  Take care of yourself and use your energy as most appropriate. Vow to be awake and present. Rely on love. In its purest form, love removes all doubt.  Stop asking for others to save you. BE powerful. Allow the warrior within to arise.

Jesus prepared the way and illuminated the path.  Jesus did not disavow himself, but instead rose to the highest level. His impact on the world was a result of his willingness to share the power of the divine message he carried. Wake up from your dream of despair, smallness and victimhood.

You can bring down walls of fear in others when you melt their resistance with compassion. You can touch the very deepest part of their souls, where the pain is hidden and buried, denied and held tightly. They will thank you because holding the pain within is exhausting.

Your underdog role is over. Denounce it, once and for all. Let go of the nightmare. As you wake up to the core of who you are, you can bridge understanding with others, helping reveal the walls of defenses, so they can be dismantled and taken down.

Denial is a powerful force that keeps us locked in our fears. Your willingness to face your own fears is what allows you to help others.  Any pain you experience is from resistance, from being stuck on the razor’s edge. The pain comes because you are trying so hard to manage all the stories of what you believe to be true. And while trying to do the right things, the things you believe you must do, you are missing the wholeness, the solid truth and base of who you are, the core of you–which is Love. You don’t have to try being loving. You are Love.

Opening the Heart to Freedom October 31, 2016

Posted by Danna Beal in Emancipation.
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Awareness is a reflection of the willingness of the heart to be open to the divine energy and vast information flowing to the planet at this evolutionary time. Reflection is a process of allowing the heart to open by taking down walls of fear and disillusionment. The struggle to maintain a wall of protection is exhausting and futile and pain will be the result of the restriction.

Here now, receive the love and illumination offered to you, through divine channels of energy producing a wellspring of effervescent joy bubbling up and out to all you encounter. Relaxing into love and allowing your heart to open is so ecstatic. It is amazing how hard you resist this bathing of love descending upon you. Bask in the love, allow it to recharge you, and to ignite the love and joy you deserve. It is time to fully awaken.

Self-recrimination and grievances towards others holds you locked in pain and self-torture. Why would you choose this? Self-loathing is a human epidemic which spreads worldwide and results in projection, blame, self-sabotage, and wars.  The shame carried within, often described as the shadow, merely needs loving light shed upon it, releasing the constant need to defend, project and protect.

Practice bringing awareness to the surface, allowing it to emanate and spread joy and peace. Enjoy the beautiful golden light arriving bringing you freedom at last.

Trust in the Advancement of Civilization July 24, 2016

Posted by Danna Beal in Emancipation.
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July 17, 2016

Be prepared for an advancement in civilization, preceded only by the advancement of individual souls willing to challenge the ego and enter the presence of Love. Love is the almighty force of the infinite Source, the Beloved. Join with us in capturing the hearts and souls of those who are shattered in their hopes and dreams, who feel lost and afraid, unable to discern the truth, the magnificence of all that is transpiring, leading to a new world.

Budget your time to reflect your dedication to this movement by devoting time to meditation to adjoin with us, your beloved friends. Mastery of your spiritual consciousness combined with your love for humanity will lead to an opening that will shatter the glass wall of protection, allowing you to proceed forward in this time of transformation and shifting consciousness.  (I had seen a glass wall that looked almost like a large glass garage door over more than one floor that made me feel like I had hit a wall a couple weeks ago.)

Our beloved brothers and sisters, rest your heart and soul and rely on us, your beloved guides across the dimensions of time and space. Trust with a capital T—trust in the essence and flow, guiding you with joy, providing a sustained, calm connection. Feel the essence of power coursing through you, providing inspiration and sustenance. Bargaining is not necessary—trusting the magnificent flow entering humanity through those who are reaching out, grasping for truth is the way to awakening.

Believe with your whole soul and depths of your being that this is your purpose, sweet ones. The process of awakening is enhanced by dedication and the willingness to look at hidden beliefs that cause you to remain separate.

Spiritual mastery requires that you own all your feelings and circumstances—every one of them.  They are a result of your beliefs. Give up year fears of judgment, shame, blame, victim-hood and guilt. Be the powerful souls that you truly are.

The consciousness of the planet is heating up to so to speak, and like a pot of water fueled by heat, it begins to bubble up and erupt to the surface. That pain and suffering, felt by so many, is erupting in hot spots for all to see. Adding fuel to the fire only causes it to spread farther. Love is the lever to slow down the mounting heat and to bring about calmness, forgiveness, and, ultimately, peace.