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Finding Relief from a Toxic Workplace: Why We Must Shine a Light on this Difficult Problem May 10, 2022

Posted by Danna Beal in 1, Authentic Power, Awaken.
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I was feeling trepidation as I stood on a stage before a national audience of 800 business leaders in Denver, Colorado. I felt angst about the words I was about to speak in sharing my experiences as an author and consultant in a wide variety of businesses and industries. Although the goal of a speaker is to inspire and uplift others, I began with the words that I was compelled to tell audiences everywhere.

“Unfortunately, today’s workplace is often fraught with pain, suffering, insecurity, gossip, one-upmanship, rivalry, sabotage, insecurity, blame, and, most insidiously, fear.” I added that, “The very place where most people go each day to provide financial security for themselves and their families, is filled with emotional insecurity and suffering for people throughout the country.”

As I glanced around at the blur of faces, you could hear a pin drop. Then I asked this question:

“How many of you in this room know what I am talking about?”

If you are reading this article, you probably already know the answer. One by one, slowly, and furtively at first, I watched nearly every single hand in the room go up. It is always at this moment that I can feel an almost palpable sense of relief as people look around and realize that they are not alone in their observations and secret awareness of the suffering in their workplace culture. For over twenty years I have had the same response in hundreds of conferences and from thousands of people.

My point in sharing this story is to demonstrate that it isn’t easy to talk about, it isn’t just a few people, it isn’t just one industry, and most of all, that it is happening to some degree in businesses everywhere. Though difficult to discuss we must acknowledge the hidden “elephant in the room”—the underlying suffering, internal competition, and emotional drama found in workplaces today. I might also add, although I have worked in many industries, I have spent a majority of my time in healthcare. In my opinion, the people in all aspects of healthcare are experiencing one of the highest degrees of pressure, suffering, stress, toxicity, and pain in their cultures. Paradoxically, healthcare providers, by nature, are compassionate people.

You Cannot Fix What You Don’t Acknowledge

Today there is empirical evidence and undeniable data on the effects of toxicity in the workplace culture. The MIT Sloane Management Review article on March 16, 2022 by Dr. Donald Sull, et al, Why Every Leader Needs to Worry About Toxic Culture, provides so much revealing and well-researched data:

“A toxic corporate culture is by far the best predictor of attrition and is 10 times more important than compensation in turnover during the Great Resignation.”

In addition, their research summarizes the “Top Five” factors in a toxic workplace:  1) Disrespectful, 2) Non-inclusive, 3) Unethical, 4) Cutthroat, and 5) Abusive. All of these factors are disabling and disempowering. They cause pain that cuts to the core of being a human being.

Workplace culture affects the ability to recruit, retain, and build responsive and successful organizations. In an environment today where businesses are competing for employees, clearly, the workplace culture is of huge importance. In addition, toxic workplaces get more negative reviews on Glassdoor.com, according to the research, making it harder to recruit employees. And it is extremely important for business leaders to know that a toxic workplace creates staggering bottom-line costs for companies.

Sometimes the “boss from hell” is creating a toxic department, sometimes toxicity is found in pockets of an organization, and sometimes the entire culture is toxic. Change must start at the top levels but rooting out toxic people in middle management is important as well. The costs of poor leaders and managers is immeasurable.

Why We Need Relief from a Toxic Workplace

We need relief because the data from the research and my experience of interacting with thousands of people reveals we are suffering much more than people have been willing to admit. Human beings are not cogs in a wheel or parts of a machine. Our need to feel valued, that we belong, that we are loved, and that we are needed are our core, basic human needs. If a workplace is draining our energy and sense of self-worth, that affects us both at work and at home. We cannot separate our lives into different compartments. We take our pain home.

Awakening in the Workplace

The following are my suggestions for healing yourself as well as your workplace. Whether you are a top-level leader, a middle manager, or a front-line worker (or both), you need to start with yourself to clearly see what is really happening. As humans in need of financial security and emotional safety, we sometimes deny what is really going on so that we don’t have to deal with it. Postponing it doesn’t work and suppressing our emotions causes more pain.

1. Wake up and see that you are a participant in a drama.

One of the reasons your workplace culture persists is because you and your coworkers are participating players in it. It is like an actual drama being performed by actors and it only continues to work if everyone agrees to the rules, the plot, and the script. The fear of losing your job, your income, your identity, your title, your window office, or your sense of worth keeps you in the drama. But if you just stop and start looking from a different viewpoint, you will see things from an elevated perspective. When we become truly present, we connect with our true nature, our authentic power. We do not operate from fear, and we finally cease being a victim. Practice throughout the day by deliberately stopping (every hour or more) and doing a mindful, very present pause for at least five minutes.

2. Recognize the fear that is driving all the drama and suffering.

It is fear and the need for power over others that is behind much of the behavior at work. As you awaken to your own true self and perspective you will understand others better. You can even start to see how fervently some people play their roles. One of my most often quoted lines is, “Beware of children dressed as powerful adults. Do not be beguiled.” If someone is a bully, for example, you can learn not to surrender your freedom or right to express yourself. Conversely, if you are a leader, you can see that fear is not the way to motivate or drive performance. Fear is a temporary inducement. Like a horse that is whipped to go faster, it will only work for a while or until the horse collapses.

3. Shine light and love on others from your place of being awake.

We can rebuild relationships by illuminating the workplace stage, so to speak. I call it Project Illumination because the aim is to shine a light on the shadows and hidden stories at work that keep people in fear. Create a safe environment by being authentic, communicative, accessible, and operate from love. I call it the BE LOVE model of leadership because who you are is more important than what you are doing. As each of us wakes up through our own process of self-realization, we help others wake up. Practice every day intentionally saying something kind, positive, or complimentary to at least three people—and more is even better.

4. Make choices to liberate yourself and others.

When you are guided by your true self, your inner spiritual greatness, that is residing beneath your image or role that you play, you are free to make the best choices for yourself. If you decide to create a better workplace culture where you are, you will bring authenticity and power to that decision. If you determine you want to leave, you will find options and opportunities that you didn’t know were available. You will be free. As you free yourself, you free others to make their choices.

After over twenty years of writing, coaching, and speaking on steps for healing the workplace, I know it is not easy to release yourself from the grips of fear. The practical steps and stories in my book, The Extraordinary Workplace Culture: Replacing Fear with Trust and Compassion, can help reinforce your commitment to being authentic and free. There are also many other books and resources for expanding your self-realization. I encourage you to put your attention on yourself and discover the path to feel empowered, happy, and free!

Be Steadfastly Awake January 6, 2021

Posted by Danna Beal in Awaken, Inner Peace, Love.
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Do you want to remain awake or do you want to stay lost in your dramas? A true being, your deepest self, is trying to emerge–without the silly little dramas and without the clinging to fear and inadequacies of your egoic self. The false images and small representations of who you are, are creations of the mind. The true being is trying to emerge–not the simpering child who is sniveling and winding his way to grief and pain. Seemingly plausible reasons for despair and suffering do not make them true and actually deny your rightful heritage. Compelling stories of disappointment, dashed hopes, painful losses, and on-going anxieties are chances to review your life anew, but when nurtured and held onto, can be excuses for staying small and denying your true spiritual power. The rejection of your true self, your inner spiritual essence, in favor of your small self is tragic. After seeing and experiencing who you really are, and then turning away, is a decrease in your power and a decline on your own path to awakening to your rightful place in the world.

Be steadfastly awake. Stand up fearlessly. Your power is so great that with the smallest nod, it brings you gifts and meets all your needs. And yet, you turn back to the painful position of the downtrodden. This habitual path of the underdog can be released when you acknowledge and affirm your desire to do so.   Why would you choose the wings of a sparrow over the wings of an eagle?

We are here with you and you are strong and wise—the one who chose to be here. Your clarity and true vision are needed and we will uphold you in your path upward. Please trust in that. You will be given guidance as you need it, in an instant, and you will find the joy of contributing full heartedly. Allow yourself to feel the deepest source that you are—the calm, grounded powerful ones that you, too often, deny. Build your strength and rise to the occasion. You are the beneficiary, as well as all whom you encounter. Blend your voice with ours and recognize your true destiny.

Most people are just trying to enjoy a life of some sort, or a trying to avoid pain. Choose to be a creator—choose to be the source and power of your life—not just an object tossed around in a tumultuous sea of confusion and alternating points of view. Stand up! Be strong. Be eloquent. Do not deny your gifts in favor of the opinions of those less awakened and living in fear. That is their choice. Do not let their opinion be your standards for living. Let go, let go.

Overcoming the feeling that life is difficult

Demand the small voice to stop. The weight of the beliefs from the past and the opinions of the masses can feel like you are coming out of a deep bog—a heavy body of murky water. See the image of yourself rising out of the swamp of human dissension, after this long period of swimming in the muck. How can you help others if you are drowning with them? You are needed as part of the evolutionary shift in consciousness.

Do not return to the sad stories. Do not be distracted with small issues, artificial charades, and shams created by the ego. Take charge of your own thoughts and keep telling a new story! No more tears, no more tears, no more tears. You are self-sufficient. Bless this day as you move on to new adventures in the unknown. Bless this day for the life you have been given. The power position is yours when you choose spiritual mastery!

You are a child of God, dedicated to Project Illumination. Do not ever forget this and continue to move persistently forward. Your seeming losses are gifts to expose wounds that need healing. Don’t be sad. Allow them to heal with compassionate grace for yourself. The future holds so much joy. Trust in this guidance and be alert for more messages of truth and vindication from guilt and suffering. Bless you, dear ones, for taking this walk on the planet at this time. Realize that you can receive guidance at every moment!

Project Illumination is not a small sideline — it is the purpose of your journey in this magnificent evolutionary planetary transformation! Join with the voices who are here to lead and to witness this time in history. Do not be deterred by appearances or seeming losses. All will be well as the unraveling continues, but ultimately, settles out. This necessary time is leading to the expansion of love, peace, and joy.

Trust in our loving guidance beside you. In this state, you can hear us clearly and follow our light of inspiration and divine words. Trust always that what we share with you benefits not only you, but all that you encounter. Share your messages freely and widely. Express with clarity, the path to freedom.

Aspire to new levels of contribution. Your powerful voices are needed. The crimes that are being committed in the name of peace, like poison, need to be diluted with an antidote. Corruption fueled by greed and fear has been underlying the social structure for centuries. Below the surface is a faction of individuals controlling the dialogues that are spurring hate. Badges of supremacy, claims of superiority, and accruements for those in power have tipped the balance to a level that is unsustainable. This has created mass inequality for people everywhere. The poverty exists because of the massive effort to keep people down and hopeless. The disruptions occurring now are a part of this enormous shift. It is your time. The world needs these messages in this time of havoc and fear. You are part of the enormous transformation occurring right now, even beyond what you can see or measure. Persevere with determination. Do not let heaviness, doubt, or thoughts of the past hold you back. Be unbridled, free, and relentlessness. You cannot exceed the possibilities–they are endless. There is no wrong direction — just step forward into the open, beautiful, future of the world.

Healthcare News: Finding Clarity in the Unknown: One Day at a Time June 2, 2020

Posted by Danna Beal in Awaken, Love, Personal Freedom, Project Illumination, Spiritual evolution, Universal Love.
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We have all been impacted during this global pandemic in ways we could never have imagined. Healthcare has been severely hit during these unfolding days, weeks, and months. We owe our continuing gratitude for the selflessness, courage, and sacrifice of so many people in all aspects of healthcare delivery. It has taken a toll on everyone, both here and around the world. How we emerge from all this is still evolving and lies in the realm of the unknown. Based on my experience with thousands of people, the unknown is cited as their greatest fear.

The frenetic and often dysfunctional workplace culture came to a grinding halt, causing us to face not only our external fears, but also, our inner demons and shadows. In the midst of sheltering in place, working remotely, working under strict guidelines, being unemployed, isolated, and feeling loss, it is hard to find one’s footing. Economic worries and financial losses can be overwhelming. In the absence of a knowable future, the ego goes into self-protection and dictates reactions and solutions. However, thoughts directed by the ego are fickle, floundering, argumentative, exaggerated, insane, contradictory, and utterly unreal. I believe we always have the choice to listen to our ego or our soul. Our feelings are a response to the narrative and can change instantly if we recognize their source.

Profound Opportunity to Create a New Culture

Although we have not had anything of this magnitude in our lifetimes, we have witnessed people coming together with compassion and love in previous crises. We now have a profound opportunity to bring love and compassion to the workplace and the world.

Tantamount to creating a new and cooperative culture is the individual process of self-realization. This includes facing our inner fears and demons. Fear is inside you and is not caused by a situation or an enemy. But it is so hidden in most people, they do not even know that it is fear that is motivating them. Blame and projection, drawing lines in the sand, and creating enemies are all a result of fear. Fear melts when you align with your inner core, allowing your courage and strength to arise.

This period in time offers pause for self-reflection, a time to restore and renew your sense of purpose, your values and your path in life. You can assist in creating a new culture when you are operating from the strength of love and inner wisdom.

Resiliency and Energy of the Human Spirit to Survive Daunting Challenges

You are witnessing and participating in an extraordinary moment in history. If you were to look back from some future point in time, what would you like to remember? What lessons did you learn, how did you survive, how did you face challenges, how did you make a difference, and did you share the energy of love and compassion? How did you contribute to a new culture? Will you see that despite uncertainty and suffering, your inner strength and will to live carried you to new heights of understanding and wisdom? Despite many losses, there are many beautiful moments occurring right now. Let this moment in time be a place of remembrance of the resiliency and energy of the human spirit to survive daunting challenges.

Project Illumination—Steps for Bringing Light and Inspiration to the Workplace

We have an opportunity to bring in light and inspiration to the workplace, create clarity in the fog of confusion, and heal the complex web of egos competing for power and validation. Here are my suggestions to assist in creating a new culture:

  1. Take one day at a time and, in very severe situations, it may be one moment at a time. This can immediately calm you and bring you to the present. Trying to control days, weeks, and years ahead of you, is overwhelming and exhausting. Trust that you will find solutions and inspirations as life unfolds. Life is a gift and it is offering new experiences and opportunities, often disguised initially as problems. Innovation and new opportunities arise in calmness, not angst. When you trust in the unknown you tap into imagination–the wellspring of creativity—genius itself.
  2. Start each day with gratitude for all the good in your life. Put your losses in perspective. Though times are exceedingly difficult, some of the things we complain about are not worthy of our attention. Start to notice how much you complain about people and situations that are petty and small. Complaining is a hidden way to be a self-righteous victim and there is no power in being a victim.
  3. Incite group will—a powerful catalyst for new and innovative ideas. Find mutual goals and values and celebrate contribution. Whether working remotely or in the workplace, engage others with understanding, humor, clear communication, asking questions, listening, and demonstrating respect. Share and honor stories that are uplifting, heartwarming and bonding to your team and your organization. Recognize the human spirit in all of us.
  4. Stop being so hard on yourself. These are unprecedented times. Give compassionate grace to yourself and others. Perfection is an illusion and it only leads to self-recrimination. Self-shaming or self-criticism is an epidemic within the pandemic. Only you can give it up. Stop clinging to self-imposed suffering. Renounce it now.
  5. Do not completely isolate yourself. Reach out to others through video chats, phone, and safe environments according to the guidelines in your area. Be outside and enjoy exercise and fresh air. Emanate love and compassion whenever you go. Kindness is a great healer. Eyes are the windows of the soul and even in a mask, people can see your smile in your eyes.
  6. Be discerning and measure information from your own values and intelligence, not sensationalism and drama. Be open to all points of view and find your own voice. With so much disinformation out there, it is understandable when people do not know what to believe. Ask yourself, “Who does this benefit? Does it resonate as truth or does it sound like fanaticism? Will it help bring peace and reconciliation? Does it bring us together or divide us?”
  7. Be free. Regardless of circumstances, freedom is first a state of mind. Victor Frankl, author, neurologist, and holocaust survivor found freedom in a concentration camp. He stated, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Danna Beal, M.Ed., lives in the Seattle, WA area where she is an international speaker, author, retreat/workshop leader, and executive coach. She has spoken to thousands of businesses and conferences and has been on countless radio shows, podcasts, and webinars discussing “Enlightened Leadership” and “Workplace Culture” based on her book, “The Extraordinary Workplace: Replacing Fear with Trust and Compassion.” Her audiences and clients have included: Seattle Science Foundation–Spine Surgeons Grand Rounds, Kaiser Permanente Grand Rounds, Oakland, CA, AHRA, Orlando, FL, Federal Aviation Administration, Overlake Hospital Perioperative Conference, Radia, numerous physician practices and hospitals. Her website is www.dannabeal.com.

Your Role in Times of Sweeping Change March 16, 2020

Posted by Danna Beal in Authentic Power, Awaken, Emancipation, Inner Peace.
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Blind ambition, greed, and hostility have reached a maximum level and it is leading to sweeping changes that will change the world as you know it. Dramatic results are pending and are awaiting the participation of more people in alignment. Your path is to continue helping people in understanding and awakening to truth. Pledge allegiance to truth and compassion for it is your mission. You are a witness and demonstration of the power of authenticity in relationships. Self-realization is the path to peace, love and joy. The result is freedom from fear.

Don’t allow the words or complaints of others to diminish your true power—the path you have been on your whole life.  Give up false pretenses, see your own weaknesses with compassion and release yourself from fear and guilt.  Join the massive parade of leaders, not on the sidelines. but marching in front, on the road to freedom.

This is the time of reunification with your soul.  Don’t shy away and/or doubt your role. That is false humility. Be strong. Be powerful.  Illuminate the path for others.  That is why you are here!!  See it, own it, honor it and reclaim your right to do this powerful and awesome (in the truest sense) work that you came to accomplish.  Maximize your efforts through meditation and alignment. This is the culmination of all your beautiful steps, your joyful path of reclamation.  Avail yourself of the strength of the divine power from which you emerged—a dimension beyond this place in time and space. This is a proclamation of your authentic power! Rise higher and contribute from the authority of the divine—not your small version of yourself, but from your holiest of selves, your true self, your inner spiritual greatness. Peace be with you.

Through the Eyes of Love April 23, 2019

Posted by Danna Beal in Awaken, Love, Personal Restoration Plan, Planetary Evolution, Spiritual Awakening, Universal Love.

Despite all external appearances, including calamities, chaos, interruptions, and shocking events you see on television and the internet, you are asked to see the world through the eyes of love. This is a defining moment in the history of the world, leading to a time where honor, respect, and love will be held in the hearts of people worldwide– people who understand and share the vision for a new and cooperative world. Pain and suffering, the result of the contention created by human beings, will begin to disappear as people join together for the common good of all people everywhere.

Positions of authority will be occupied by people who hold the highest interest and regard for all people, not just for those at the top. Beliefs in separateness from Source and from each other will be eradicated and people will feel compassion for their fellow beings, their brothers and sisters on the planet. The new cooperative system and structure has been long-awaited but is arriving now, the result of the chaos and dissension finally being played out and exposed for all to see– the erroneous beliefs that have been the underlying cause of the discord, the conflict, and pain in this competitive world.

Seeing through the eyes of love requires suspending your fears and judgments, and instead, trusting that a better world is emerging. When you are in a state of openness, you allow the divine to shine through you, assisting you in understanding all situations from a higher perspective. You will see even difficult circumstances as opportunities for exposure, understanding, and release of former ideologies containing supremacy, competition, pain, and destruction.

Joint decisions that benefit all sides for mutual satisfaction will become clear and recognizable as the only way to a peaceful society–comprised of respectful relationships at all levels. Each of you contributes to the rebuilding of the current societal framework, simply by interacting with compassion and understanding with others you see every day.  You rebuild relationships here and now with how you see and relate with those closest to you.

Have faith, hope, and trust that all is well, in spite of and in the face of appearances. When you see the world through the eyes of love, you see its perfection for the unfolding plan for society’s transition–a beautiful awakening, bringing a final state of relief from suffering and pain worldwide. This utopia is achievable, the state of cooperation and love is coming, and those who awaken can experience it now. It is already here for those who are awake.

See the beauty in the eyes of your fellow beings and be united and energized by understanding love is in everyone. Love is the source of all power and is the reason you exist. You have all been a part of the massive  delusion that has existed for thousands of years, but is now coming to an end.  Be joyous now and know you are loved and adored. The clouds are parting and the sun is shining through! You are blessed and this is the time to be alive with purpose and gratitude in your hearts. Awaken beloved children of God, the time is now!

Plans for awakening are expanding rapidly. Don’t doubt that this is happening or minimize your part in it.  Be proud of your steps and contribute with the passion instilled in you. Enjoy the journey and trust that you will be prepared for each experience as it unfolds. See the blessings all around you, recognize the synchronicity in all interactions with others, and understand how all situations and events are part of the transition to awakening.

The complexities of this world can be confusing, but the conflicts and discord are the result of the ego and its desire for power and validation. Don’t be hypnotized into believing circumstances or become transfixed on the false appearances or the temporary results of artificial power. They are crumbling and dissolving, even when you can’t see it. Awakening is just that–opening your eyes to the truth, despite the appearances. It is knowing that love is the foundation of all that truly exists.

Standing powerfully in love is the path for emancipation from all previously held beliefs and artificial constructs. The dissension and complexities occurring worldwide are a reflection of the grievances and unresolved conflicts in individuals.  As you find your own sanity and recognize your own misguided beliefs, you assist in the dismantling of the world’s complex societal structure that is holding a stranglehold on people everywhere.  So look within to release your own fears and demons and find the underlying source of love in yourself.  As you experience your personal transformation, you transform the world. As you find your own liberation, you bring freedom to the world.

All the circumstances, events and happenings in the world at this time, no matter how dire they appear, are moving forward in service to the awakening of humanity through the eyes of love. Be at peace.

Your Thoughts Can Never Hold Your Soul March 18, 2019

Posted by Danna Beal in 1, Authentic Power, Awaken, Love, Personal Freedom, Personal Restoration Plan, Spiritual Energy, Universal Love.
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Your thoughts can never hold your soul. Your soul beckons you from a deep place that you knew, even as a little child.  The longing you feel to rejoin is a call from your soul and you are answering. Your presence here at this time benefits others as well as yourself. Present the face of your soul in the embodiment of (your name)–with glittering eyes, calling others to awaken to the brilliance, love and joy awaiting them. Do not be diminished by small definitions of yourself, or worrying thoughts that keep you small.  Your destiny is to be here now, with us helping you in everything.

Do not labor and worry.  It is all about unfold in magnificent splendor before you very eyes.  Blessed are you.   We love and adore you—you are a precious soul, loved by many, honored for your truth and justice, and your commitment and sacrifice for the good of others.

The pain you feel will melt away as you continue from your sojourn to a higher ground—a safe environment of lovely peace.  Feel the blessings arising in you—the relief you seek is right here now and at any moment that you request it.  You are always chaperoned– watched over on your beautiful path of diligence toward a mighty goal, releasing the chains for not only yourself, but for those you meet. Singing the praise of love into being, you are guiding others who need a helping hand as you are assisting in the shift in consciousness.

Bestowed on you is this gift—this promise—you will be taken care of throughout your life–trust in that. Joyous occasions await you—answering the call with your open heart.  Blessings, dear one, blessings to you.  Allow the flow of love into your heart—replenishing you soul that has been dimmed by the darkness of fears and trepidation created by the mind.

It is always your choice to listen to the voice of the ego or your soul that is aligned to Love. The outcome of listening to your soul is a million times superior to the outcome of your thinking mind.  The options of the mind are always limited to that which seems safe and reasonable.  Your choice now is to go beyond the darkness and come into full bloom—blossoming from the strength of the divine, leading you away from the temptress of the known and the secure.

Born in the moment, in sincere desire, is the content for the messages for civilization to shift—the dawning of a new world now–precisely now.

Masculine pride is being confronted and slowly dismantled, leading to a shift of magnificent proportions.  Blind ambition, greed, and fights to overcome others have a caused a breach, a break in the now crumbling wall of defense and projection, leading to cataclysmic results of a divine nature.

Follow each intuition, idea, and intention that seems to emerge and take it from a delicate flower and watch it bloom into an immense opportunity.

Beautiful soul–gather your strength, and begin anew, mightier for the fall. stronger for the experience and blessed by the grace and love that leads you.  You benefit yourself and others every time you return to the presence of your divine brothers and sisters.  Your path is assured and strengthened through the trials of your experience.

Value your gift of grace and feel the tears of relief.  The energy needed is supplied before you even ask.  Keep flowing and flowing, returning and sharing light and love. Let the light in you be reflected to all.  Peace and joy to you.

Remember, thoughts directed by the ego are fickle, floundering, argumentative, silly, exaggerated, insane, contradictory and utterly unreal. This will be relief to yourself and also help you understand the thoughts and reactions of others when operating from ego dictates. They are just not real.

Stop Scaring Yourself to Death with Your Own Fictitious Stories October 2, 2018

Posted by Danna Beal in 1, Awaken, Emancipation, Forgiveness, Personal Freedom.
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Stop Scaring Yourself to Death with Your Own Fictitious Stories. Join John Smallman and me as we discuss how pain and fear can awaken us to who we truly are. Then read below that summarizes our conversation.

In a world of diverse beliefs, conflict, blame, and shame, it is sometimes hard to remain seated in your own soul and grounded in your own authentic power.  We can be pulled one way and another, believing in false stories, interpretations, misunderstandings and confused conclusions.  However, we often add to the on-going drama with our own personal stories of fear that were concocted by the ego to keep us trapped in its grip.  The ego is a tormentor and the source of self-doubt–often in such a hysterical state, it is hard to believe we actually listen to its fearful warnings.  But we do listen and we can put ourselves in a frozen, painful state of torment and anxiety–mind spinning in endless possibilities. We create stories of catastrophe and future suffering in a misguided attempt to keep us safe and to keep us prepared for emergencies, almost like disaster preparedness training; only these stories you are creating are the worst possible circumstances that are never really likely to occur.  When we can unravel the drama in our own story, we can help unravel the pain and suffering in the world.  Healing our own heart is the path to healing the culture and structure on this planet.

Path of awakening

The circumstance causing us so much pain is actually a path of awakening designed by our own soul to discover our true, authentic selves. Our resistance to seeing the source of our suffering is what is actually causes the real pain!  Revealing to ourselves that we are the cause of our suffering is EMANCIPATION–freedom on the journey of the soul. When we can allow ourselves to truly look at fears and hidden doubts, we can release them and restore ourselves to authenticity and joy.

Discover the hidden complaint about yourself that is controlling your life and preventing you from being your true self, your soul.  Lack of self-worth shows up in relationships and it presents itself in various ways as a plan by your soul to awaken you to your true self .

In the absence of our soul’s true worth, we make up identities that we believe will prove we are worthy and powerful. Discovering that these roles are just actors, limited by self-directed scripts is a huge revelation! The secret to awakening is discovering that no matter how hard we try, the artificial roles are NOT ENOUGH.  Here are some of props or circumstances that can trigger our lack of internal worth but can be the opening to your personal restoration:

  • Financial worth:
    Our society is often based on idolatry of the rich and famous.  When we compare ourselves, we can berate ourselves for not being financially successful and/or famous.  Accumulating wealth is not a measure of our worth in reality but in the ego world it is.
  • Physical beauty, size, weight, etc.
    Studies show that teenage girls can become instantly depressed when reading fashion magazines showing anorexic and photo-shopped models wearing outrageously expensive clothes and accessories. Both men and women fall victim to this need to have physical beauty defined by fashion trends, movies, and other external variables.
  • Titles, occupations, and educational degrees
    Outside certifications, validations, degrees are recognized as credentials and proof of accomplishments. These are important guidelines and educational standards for societies to rely on, but even these can be used to validate a sense of worth or be confused with one’s true inner worth.  Losing your job can threaten your sense of who you are, but it is not your identity–just a role you play.
  • Clubs, societies, cliques, political groups, alumni associations, churches, sports fan clubs, etc.
    As social animals, human beings wanted to be accepted and included, and people bonding based on common goals creates synergy and accomplishes what one cannot do. Even small groups, using group will, can make significant changes. The question to ask in these groups of people is, “Who benefits here?” If it helps and elevates people, it is powerful.  If its intention is to suppress, oppress, exploit, or overcomes others, it is collection of egos and it is employing artificial power. Being a member in any of these groups or societies, even when it is worthwhile, still does not define your personal worth. It is a by-product of knowing who you are.
  • Partner

    Even the love partner can be part of your identify.  When one loses the validation, companionship, sense of love and support from the partner and society’s recognition can cause a great sense of loss.  The bitter-sweetness of the loss is that it can break your heart open to receive light shining in from yourself and others.

Here are my suggested steps to awaken from fearful, confusing, or painful moments:

When we can align with our inner knowing, our deepest self we connect with a source and a power greater than anything external.  By connecting with Universal Love, we find comfort, support, and wisdom to know how to deal with each situation as it arises.  It is counter-intuitive, but when we slow down we find clarity and accomplish more. Here are my suggestions on the path to freedom:

  1. Pause and take a deep breath.
  2. Bring your self to the present moment by focusing on your breathing.
  3. Relax and feel yourself letting go of the busy mind.
  4. Trust in the knowledge that you belong here, and you are connected to Love, the power that sustains all life.
  5. Hold your struggle or conflict in your consciousness and ask your inner wisdom, “What is the threat here? What am I really afraid of? What am I trying to protect?”
  6. As you allow yourself to see the belief or fear that is holding you hostage, you can stop hiding it from yourself.
  7. Know that you actually have the power within to face and deal with each situation as they arise when you operate in the present moment from your inner wisdom.
  8. Remind yourself that 99% of your worries never occur—they are creations of your mind to try to protect you and prepare you. But your hidden fears can be debilitating.
  9. Practice becoming present and connecting with Love—the very reason you exist.

A Modern Mystic–Mary Reed-Aug 28-RSVP August 15, 2018

Posted by Danna Beal in Awaken, Emancipation, Forgiveness, Global Oneness, Planetary Evolution, Spiritual evolution.
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Dear Friends,

I am excited to tell you about a very special and private (and limited seating) event to Mary Reedmeet Mary Reed, author of The Unwitting Mystic.  Although she lives in the Himalayas during ¾ of the year, she has been heard worldwide and will be in our area later this month for speaking engagements. We are fortunate to get the opportunity to meet her in a private, in a more intimate setting where we can ask her questions.

I became friends with her through John Smallman, who many of you know.  I am inviting you to the event which will be held in the condo meeting room of my friends, Jessica Saepof and Randy Styer on Mercer Island. Because of the limited seating, please RSVP to me ASAP. with your name and guest(s).   Mary has a powerful healing message for these turbulent times in the world. You must RSVP at danna@dannabeal.com

Event details:

Date:  Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 7-9PM

Location:  Hadley Apt. 2601 76th Ave. SE, Mercer Island. It is a 6-story building and has an underground parking entrance.

Parking: Underground beneath the building at sign for Hadley Apt.  Drive up one level and follow signs to retail/leasing parking areas. We will let you in there at the security entrance. We will put up some signs, too.  My phone is 425-785-2862 if you need to reach me.

Cost: Love offering (suggested $20 but whatever you feel moved to give)

Here is information about Mary Reed with links to previewing her on-line. Please let me know if you are coming and if you are bringing a guest(s).

RSVP:  danna@dannabeal.com

An Evening with Modern Mystic, Mary Reed

BIO: Mary Reed is an “accidental” modern mystic who grew up devoutly agnostic. In 2011 she left her executive life in Washington, DC for a monastic life in the Himalayas after struggling for eleven years with the impact of veering uncontrollably into otherworldly realms encountering God, Jesus, Buddha, angels and unfathomable wisdom. These events finally turned her life inside out, and now when not living in the remote Buddhist nunnery she calls home in India, Mary travels the world detailing profound mystical insights that reveal wildly inspiring — and sorely needed — perspectives that shed new light on the significance of these extraordinary times. 

Description: An Evening with Modern Mystic Mary Reed

In this special private gathering, Mary will offer a glimpse into her highly unusual life and share stories of Divine wisdom that are startling to the mind and yet deeply familiar to the heart. She will also lead guests in a powerful exercise that provides an experiential understanding of Oneness, taking us out of our framework of beliefs and into the direct knowing within. Guests will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive signed copies of award-winning book, Unwitting Mystic, which is currently in development as a feature-length film.

Here’s a link to the 5-minute video, which conveys the “enchanted” nature of my life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BP-QE1vn6Q

To get a glimpse of her work/style, here’s her What Love Really Is video from 2016 that sets up the overview of what’s collapsing in our current tumultuous times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvrZ-rkOF6c

And, if you’re interested, here’s the most recent video that includes some of what she’s talking with audiences about this year to start moving people forward in actively using what’s happening in our world today to create the life we really want: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0nQymyadfE  (She just gave this talk a couple of weeks ago.)

In this intimate gathering with people who don’t yet know her, she will tell more of her ‘relatable’ background to put you at ease, so you will get a sense of her as a normal person just like all of us.

You must RSVP:  danna@dannabeal.com

Reunification with Your Soul May 8, 2018

Posted by Danna Beal in Authentic Power, Awaken, Love, Personal Freedom, Relationships, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Energy, Spiritual shift.
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The joy of reuniting completely with your soul can only be appreciated when you give up preconceived ideas of what your soul is, defined or conjured up by the ego.  Your pathway to this experience is paved with many misunderstandings, misconceptions, and misguided attempts, but is deliberately leading to reuniting you with your soul. Inhabitants of this planet began the journey long before they arrived. The intentional pressure provides the work to bring about awakening on this journey.

The process is filled with many missteps, but a deliberate commitment to rattling the cage of the ego’s self-appointed prison can lead to this beautiful re-connection and reunion with the soul.

High frequencies of undulating waves of joy are yours for the asking, yet many refuse to recognize or even conceive of the possibility of such joy, and therefore delay their journey.  Instead they spend a lot of time in a massive delusion with repeated disappointments and negative consequences—so powerful is the denial created by the ego. But at the end of the delusion is the destiny of each soul–reunification with the soul that will finally be attained.

Pleasure along the way keeps the process going, allowing each individual an opportunity to have substantial hope and expectation that joy eventually will be attained.  The significant efforts down the alternative paths and desires, will recognize that these simple results and external rewards (money, position, status, homes, cars, fame) always provide temporary happiness and only lead to dissatisfaction and disappointment.

You, dear ones, are here to help others discover their path of awakening by pointing back to the source of the pain and suffering, so that they can release their misguided beliefs and hasten their journey back home to themselves. This awakening is a true transfer to one’s authentic self, which is the only real escape from pain and disillusionment. Your significant effort and repeated challenges to this exalted path have been a divine crossing into the unknown, where all joy, freedom, and love reside.

We have been with you always and applaud and rejoice at every step on your way back to yourself. Believe in us and continue to receive our guidance we so freely offer. Proud moments lie ahead, so well deserved by you. Fulfill your fate by deliberate steps forward, not doubting or giving into your shadow or memories of past experiences.  It is over! It is done! You can reclaim your soul and your right to your inheritance. Do not delay another moment. You will be astounded at all that is awaiting you—for your pleasure and gratification of your soul. Align deeply with your hopes and desires and your actions will attest to the truth of your soul’s journey and to assist others to reunite with their souls in full realization.

Be not blinded again by fear and doubt.  It is over!!! It is done!! You’re suffering is no longer needed to elevate you.  Step out of the ego’s delusion and claim your rightful heritage.  Say to yourself and others, “I belong here and joy is mine for the asking.  I am beautiful.”  Release your old preconceived ideas that life must be so difficult. Stand up and rejoice! You are home. You have returned to your divine self.

Pledge allegiance to this beautiful outcome and transformation and meet each day with happiness and expectation of only the best.  Live your life and trust in the knowledge that you are being guided and provided what you need. The arduous journey is done, and the glimmering future has arrived. And it is beyond your wildest expectations. Your days will be bountiful, trust in that. And refuse to look back and there is no need to repeat the past.

You lift hearts and fill others with white light of knowing their true purpose. People are attracted to your light–they always have been. Your beautiful soul extends out and softens the hearts of everyone. You are source of release and joy! You are a part of the evolution and transformation, and that is why we have told you — it can’t fail–it can’t fail!  It is your destiny. Your joy is our joy, your peace is our peace, and your gratitude is our gratitude. We elevate you to a new level of truth and confidence so that you can continue your work to assist in the advancement of the civilization.


A Magical and Forgotten Power April 18, 2018

Posted by Danna Beal in 1, Awaken, Love, Personal Freedom, Planetary Evolution, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual evolution, Spiritual shift.

Join with us in the advent of a new chapter in the history of the planet—a shift of magnificent proportion and unparalleled advances in humanity.  Progress will be unimpeded now, moving forward with precision, allowing the circumstance to evolve and plans to unfold in a new glittering future.

Your experiences have given you the depth, the passion, and the conviction to be part of the shift.  Say to yourself, “I am soul.  I am occupying the body of (your name)”. Your soul answers, whether you hear it or not, “I am here.”

The greatest tragedies and most difficult circumstances that have occurred in your life are also your most powerful opportunities for fully awakening. When you stop and connect with your divine power, it is easier. It is a power so beyond your imagination and ability to conceive and that is why we often ask,” Why do you go it alone?”

You has the ability to call forth The Compelitive Force, a magical and forgotten power that was the subject of legends but guarded by secret societies. It was kept from you so that those in charge could control others, but it is actually available to all people.  It is a power resulting from the interaction of all souls that can draw forth or attract mutually beneficial events, people, or circumstances. It became the theme of myths and fantasies as a magical power, but it is actually true.

“Project Illumination” has included gradual steps preceding the tipping point of the shift of the collective consciousness. All steps have been necessary, leading to a climactic explosion, scattering light into the atmosphere of human consciousness.  Evolution is an inevitable process, but you have all chosen to elevate and expand humanity at this time, even if you do not remember your commitment to do so.  This process is occurring right now and you are all a part of it.

Progress is assured and you can’t fail. The pact that you have with all others who have come here at this time is immutable and cannot be broken.  Genuine efforts to awaken by each of you is so welcomed and applauded by the dimension that is assisting you and the collective souls who are here.  You are interacting with your own soul and every other soul at all the times, even though you are unaware of the inter-connections.  The synchronicity that occurs is thought to be an “accident or coincidence.” Trust in the unknown and the synchronicity occurring each day. Celebrate the unexpected moments and miracles in your lives.

The goal is to come fully into your power and transcend the physical laws that seem to be holding you back. Using the Compelitive Force and energy of the universe, you can override the boundaries that have held you in a place of limitation and limited means, bringing about an actual breakthrough. There is no reason to ever hold back and limit or stop yourself from performing at your highest. Nothing is gained by playing small–never ever, never ever.

No matter what your history and accompanying stories of unworthiness or guilt–they are not true.  Also, do not worry about the small opinions regarding your worth or your ability coming from others based on their own fears. Do not allow others to hold you back and never devalue yourself or others. See the love and truth in others and recognize their disguises stemming from fear and doubt.

Broad sweeping measures are occurring, paving the way for the new opportunities to evolve. A badge of honor, with the ability to protect you from the toxic environment at this time, is bestowed upon you. Notice how you open and strengthen your feelings as you say, “I am soul.”  It is not just a phrase, it is a pronouncement of your full power–the soul that you are. You have traveled so far with obedience and dedication to learn the laws and universal principles.

You can hasten its unfolding by joining us and, one by one, awakening to the presence and power of your own soul.  As you do that, you aid in the collective consciousness, so that the shift can transpire at this optimum time in history of civilizations. You can now understand and even transcend the old limiting beliefs. The laws are the principles that bond human civilization on an ever-evolving process. But now, even evolution of physical laws can be hastened with a mutation—an alchemical process that creates transformation.

Bridge the old ways with the new and go forward with new strength, like melded steel. Blind faith has carried you so far, but now you can go forward with so much certainty, grounded in deep work and your conviction. It is time to complete your integration with your soul and all its power.

Do not hold back in uncertainty.  Haven’t we always been here with you? It is only your doubts and accompanying beliefs that you are small that hold you back. We are always here when you accept our joint support with love, gratitude and most of all trust!

The universal power has always been here, awaiting your call. Your experiences and acquired belief systems were your guidance system–meant to keep you safe, but it also prevented you from being all that you can be. Why fly with the wings of a sparrow when you can fly with the wings of an eagle?

Decry thought-based fears, banish them from your thoughts, stop them in their tracks, face them, shine a light on them, and see that they are not true. They are only concoctions of the fearful mind.

You are only limited by your sinking heart when you are weary and discouraged. Do not collapse into fear. Fear in your own little bubble of creation is actually nothing–a small story you became locked in. But you have the key to come out–every time!  You are not helpless and hopeless!  Legions of angels and forces from dimensions beyond are assisting this planet, and are at your command, so to speak. They are able to adjoin with you at a moment’s notice!

Do not live in fear or lack because of the opinions of so many, many people lost in their own egos and sheltered worlds of fear. They are in need of you here at this time with your message of love.  Believe it with all of your heart and soul.  You are here to help, to banish the fears and the resulting dissension that is permeating this world.  It is fear that causes all the misery, competition, sadness, and helplessness.

Your fear that you will be doubted, discredited, and blamed, are so exaggerated in your own psyche. Make a new story- that these are just little bumps in the road and not the time to collapse in fear. Instead, bring your forbearance and strength to the task at hand. Much like opening a jar–you don’t try less, you try harder and strengthen your grip. When it is difficult, you enlist help from all sources–the Universe, the Divine, and your fellow souls.

When you feel doubt, smallness, insecurity or weakness, it is always from the ego trying to overcome you by convincing you to give up. The ego is dedicated to keeping you out of harm’s way.  It is also dedicated to keeping you in shame.  It is not the path of your true self—your glorious soul.