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Rebuild, Renew, and Reenergize January 13, 2022

Posted by Danna Beal in 1.
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We have the opportunity to begin anew, with a fresh start in our organizations, our families, and our world. With unrelenting changes in the past two years, we are being challenged to find new answers, forge new horizons, and create organizations that are desirable and retentive. The Great Resignation has not slowed down and finding and keeping dedicated employees is an increasing and ongoing goal. Putting people first is not only necessary, but also the path to rebuilding workplace cultures that are better, happier, more productive, and more successful for the long-term. Rebuilding and creating a desirable workplace culture requires thinking outside the “spreadsheet” and moving outside of the proverbial box. A renewal for 2022 demands a clear vision from a higher vantage point with leaders who are willing to change the outmoded models of leadership.

Healthcare, of all industries, has suffered immensely from the past two years of the pandemic. People on the front lines are exhausted and burned out. Everyone needs support and reenergizing. This necessary emotional support arises out of emotional intelligence and is one of the most important attributes needed to reenergize others. People who are respected, honored, and appreciated by both leaders and co-workers can more readily rise to the demands—whereas, people who feel criticized, blamed, or even ignored, can feel demoralized, burnt out, and hopeless.

Steps for Renewal

In this New Year, leaders can inspire employees and themselves to withstand and overcome upcoming challenges by committing to a clear vision which honors the spirit in all people. Leaders need to also recognize the contributions and seek feedback from everyone. Some possibilities for rebuilding, renewing, and reenergizing everyone in your organization include:

1. Be open to new ways and to new ideas.

As an individual, begin to let yourself be open to possibilities that you may have not considered before, or maybe resisted in the past. A closed mind is not usually recognized until we look at what we are blocking or resisting. Opening just a little can create a space where new ideas flow into our awareness. But as long as we are sure that the old way is working or is “just the way we have to do it” we shut off inspiration that could forge new paths. Practice noticing resistance in all your thinking, and you will start to see how being even a little bit open brings new people, new situations, and greater possibilities into your life. No matter how things look, there are always more options.

2. Listen to all points of view.

The best and most necessary changes and ideas come from people at the front lines and managers closest to the various issues and circumstances. Leaders who believe they must come up with the direction and answers are shooting themselves in the foot because their perspective is not in the details or actual processes. Listening to those who carryout and perform all the essential activities and services is the most important thing leaders can do. When you unleash the potential of employees’ contributions, solutions will be discovered, and the organization will expand. Commitment will grow and teamwork will increase. Better results will be attained from teamwork than actions based on top-down directives.

3. Allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Being vulnerable and unguarded can feel like a weakness. However, the effort to appear superior and invulnerable is an ego defense that blocks access and prevents people from speaking up, sharing, or telling you the truth. Being vulnerable is also the path to compassion. Throughout time, the leaders who changed the world, were strong in their vision and purpose, but they were willing to be vulnerable and humble. They could apologize, admit mistakes, receive criticism, and remain calm and forthright. Leaders with these traits are able to reenergize and inspire the people they are leading in their teams and throughout the organization.

4. Practice compassionate grace and empathy.

Healthcare is founded on compassion and taking care of those in need. The word compassion is in nearly every mission statement of every healthcare organization. And yet, I see so many leaders who forget to stop and feel empathy and compassion for the people with whom they work. Honoring the spirit in ourselves and others that is residing beneath our identities and roles is the key to building teamwork, energizing others, touching hearts, and rebuilding relationships with trust and compassion. Fear from many directions and sources permeates many workplace cultures, and having compassion and building trust opens communication, increases loyalty, and resolves workplaces problems and issues. When you are compassionate you illuminate the workplace and clear the shadows of fear and doubt.

5. Release grievances and practice forgiveness in the workplace, families, and friendships.

With all the turmoil in the world, we can’t solve everything at once. But we can, one by one, give up our resentments, our grudges, our victim thinking, and our self-righteousness and that will help heal the world. Recognize that when you are sure that you are 100% right and someone else is totally wrong—whether in the workplace, in government, in families, or anywhere–you are seeing only part of the picture. Self-righteousness is the result. We believe when we blame others it exonerates us. But the truth is, when we can forgive others, and stop blaming everyone else for issues, our workplaces, our families, our communities, and our world will be more peaceful.

Immediate Steps for Rebuilding and Renewing Relationships in 2022

  • Everyday choose one person to uplift with a positive message. Do it in person if you are at work or call someone and give them a positive message, a compliment, and/or encouragement.
  • Start each morning in the state of gratitude by acknowledging all the things that you do have, instead of lamenting your problems and the issues you see around you.
  • Practice compassionate grace for yourself. Remind yourself of your own good qualities and stop being self-effacing or hard on yourself.
  • Stop carrying the heavy cross and give up being the victim. You can be a joy and inspiration to others, but it starts with yourself.
  • Practice meditation or silent moments every day. The small amount of time spent in sincere reflection will multiply and amplify your clarity, joy, and peace beyond measure.

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. -Rumi

Antidote for Poisonous Ideas and Beliefs November 15, 2011

Posted by Danna Beal in Uncategorized.
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Tremendous efforts are needed to dissuade the common theme of attack and overcome held by so many people. Peace can never come from overcoming others. Understanding relationships and finding radical new ways to achieve peace are necessary for the pursuant of freedom.

It is important to recognize the dynamic of mutual engagement. Whether between individuals, groups or whole nations, it takes both sides to hold the relationship together. As an example, a shoe lace is intertwined as it laces the shoe with adjoining pressure, pulling the parts of the shoe together. This automatically tightens the grip of both sides of the shoe. This joint pressure holds the shoe together. But when the pressure becomes unbearable, the lace breaks—“the tie that binds them”. This breaking or bursting is usually see as the fault of the other but is actually the result of both sides pulling against each other—intertwined needs and emotions that keep them engaged. It is not love that binds them; it is fear.

Trying to overcome the other person, group or nation, by intensifying the pressure always results in disruptions and even wars. Warring nations have been held in the same pull of intertwined relationships for centuries.

Poisoned attitudes and ideas for achieving supremacy are delivered to each other and through the media. Poisonous ideas, like venom, need an antidote to dilute their power. This passage of time requires people taking a stand for peace, with conviction; not just politely standing by waiting to see what will happen.

When you pronounce Truth it will be recognized. Freedom is just that—freedom from fear and freedom of speech. Persevere in spreading a message of peace, love and harmony. Do not give others authority over you or be beguiled by false platitudes.

Why are people afraid to take a stand? It stems from fear of punitive action from those in authority. Childhood experiences of being scolded by a teacher or older authority, have conditioned people to be afraid to speak the truth or take a stand against the prevailing culture. Reclaim your own authority, your inner spiritual greatness.

Ask the question, when does a defense become the offence? When are we the perpetrators, and when are we the perpetrated upon? Every time we attack another, be it in families, work or the world, we tighten the interlaced pressure that will finally burst.

Be a shining example to the world of acceptance, compassion and integrity. Open hearts with a divine message, bless those before you and forgive your enemies. Prepare a way for a new generation and be passionate in your commitment to deliver Truth. Truth will cut through the confusion like the sun breaking through the clouds. Bask in the sunshine of our approval and share that same light of love and forgiveness with others. Blessed are you who do God’s work.

-The Twelve Wise Ones

Be a Leader in Shifting Consciousness July 31, 2010

Posted by Danna Beal in Emancipation, Spiritual evolution, Spiritual infusion, Spiritual shift.
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The planet is shifting out of a previous conditioning from centuries and centuries of human existence. The person who unravels this complex web within the self can stop replaying the same role and reacting to the web of egos around them. This person can be called a leader. As a leader, you assist the evolutionary shift by your very presence. Stand tall and strong. Bring light and clarity to the masses, who are unaware of the process.

Pronounce truth, even when others run for cover.  Denounce falsities, inaccurate information, platitudes and lip service to a flawed philosophy that demeans others. Choose no other way—be forever in the pursuit of truth and equality for all people.

The past has been shrouded in pain and fear.  The future holds the glimmering and shining possibilities for a new world—a transformation so great it will shake the foundation of the illusionary world.  Trust that your part will be supported.

Outside your current parameters of knowledge and perception is a world assisting your world in its evolution.  We direct your commitment and participation in bringing about a change.  We welcome you for the purpose of creating a new evolutionary progression that benefits all people.  Unknowing to you, there is an underlying process that is affecting earthly beings in various aspects of evolutionary changes, far beyond your own understanding.

But for your purposes, now, what is needed is your full and complete commitment to a new revolutionary, planetary movement of such huge proportions that it will change the face of humanity as you know it.  Your participation is recognized, appreciated, supported and honored.

Develop a passageway through the thickness and heaviness of the current consciousness.  Create an opening that will be the light in the darkness–that will lead others out of this cosmic, dark, thick fog of negative energy.  Develop the channels that are open, much like passageways of oxygen to sinking ships—the delivery of that which will lead out of the deep state of being below the surface of light, oxygen and life.

Come aboard the ship of freedom by giving up your fears of drowning in the muck of human misery.  Don’t doubt your ability to share this message and help others come out of their murky waters—their swamps, the infested waters, the lives of misery in the muck of human dissension and disdain– a (hornet’s) nest of pain and hatred projected onto fellow human beings! 

Your willingness to arise of out of the muck, the human suffering that pulls everyone down, drowning them in a sewer of misery, is testimony to your commitment that you made before coming here.   Your mission is to drive away the faulty beliefs that hold people in their pain and suffering.  You have dedicated yourself to the process and your commitment to do this, in spite of being trapped in the same dimension, is why we appreciate all of you who assist in this divine mission to help humanity.

Doubt not this lesson, as you cross over to new levels of evolution.  Your destiny and power come from a Divine source—not that of human derivation. We applaud you and provide support, comfort, assistance and love, in every way that we can.

-The Twelve Wise Ones