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The Illuminated Workplace: Shining Light on Workplace Culture December 20, 2022

Posted by Danna Beal in Universal Love.
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For those of you who didn’t see my announcement in social media, I am excited to announce that The Illuminated Workplace will be released in January 2023. I have been working on the new edition of my book for six months and it will be available in January as both a book and an e-book. I will let you know the exact date.

“Danna Beal hits the nail on the head with her new book, The Illuminated Workplace.  Applying her understanding of human dynamics in the workplace would greatly improve the performance of any business. Applying her understanding of human dynamics in the political arena would greatly improve our world.”
–Ron Richards, J.D., P.E., Ch.E., founder Western Gas Resources

“Danna Beal’s, The Illuminated Workplace, should be required reading for all MBA students and certainly for all in business leadership positions. I have been in medical/biotech sales for the last 40 years. Sadly, as each company grew, leadership’s ego began laying a table of mistrust, indifference, disengagement, and even narcissism. In her book, Danna provides you with the road map to building a caring and sustainable illuminated culture.”
— Gayle Seely, BSN, Former Director, Sales Development of a San Francisco Biotechnology Company, Seattle, WA

I am wishing you all Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! 

An Evolutionary Shift June 6, 2022

Posted by Danna Beal in Planetary Evolution.
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Plans to create a new world through an evolutionary, planetary shift have been developing for thousands of years. The steps have included the emergence of a faction of people who would spiritually evolve and expose the underlying character of those who would attempt to control the entire world for their own personal power, wants and needs.

This faction of people has been quietly growing, building an understanding of the nature of human society; including its inner workings, networks, connections, and symbiotic interactions. These people have gone through great trials and tribulations to develop their insights and realizations. Growing in their own spiritual mastery has enabled them to understand and remove the underpinnings of the current structure that has actually held society together.

This framework that has lasted for thousands of years has been bound by the human connections and interactions. The actions and counter-actions, often based on fear, have provided the very structure of the ever-escalating human drama to an intensity never seen before. Those of you here now have come as part of the plan to unravel, dismantle, and remove the structure that has allowed society to exist but is no longer sustainable.

Human society has been gradually shifting due to the withdrawal of the support and commitment to the framework of connections. Like a honeycomb, whose cells are being deserted and abandoned, the structure of society is actually ready to collapse, even though it appears to be the same. This is happening because those giving it the support, energy, and life to operate, have left the honeycomb, so to speak. The drones have left the nest.

This hollow honeycomb structure is no longer viable and will deteriorate and dissolve into emptiness. Those few who believe it is real, will find out it will no longer function. It cannot operate because the human consciousness essential to this once central organizing structure has departed. This is not intended to cause fear but to actually provide relief from the intense, ever-building pressure.

If you are hearing this now, you are one of such people, who has come here to awaken and support others. You can assist others in the process of awakening and withdrawing from the current theme of attack and overcome, expressed as projection and blame, shame and persecution, and, most of all, greed and drive for power and validation at the expense of others. You are the ones who can arise in your spiritual power and bring clarity to such confusion and mayhem.

Throughout the history of the world, there has never been such dissension and disruption.  Eruptions and wars between people in different parts of the planet, between people from different faiths, beliefs, and differences of all kinds, have been on-going. But what you now have is a massive world shift in the world order, in which the structure will suddenly fail and no longer bear the weight and pressure of dissension being intensely played out.  The very framework of humanity will burst, creating a massive shift for a better world– not based on greed and individual power but grounded in cooperation, trust, and expansion for all people in a new world.

This once busy habitat, an interactive structure of a society, is now tired and divided. The societal structure has been abandoned by so many, and although it appears to be operating, it is about to fall apart, descending and dissolving into oblivion. The life energy that has kept it alive has shifted to a new vital world, through individual beings awakening and withdrawing from the old framework.  Its purpose will no longer be needed, although a few will be the last to give up on the lifeless structure, the empty shell of a former world.

Ego-driven leaders, fueled by artificial power, are at the pinnacle of the false structure. Although appearing real, the framework is actually fragile. It is comprised of intertwining layers designed by a few false giants of society. These artificial leaders have lost their footing and are desperately trying to retain it.  The structure is about to sink into the abyss of past civilizations that have collapsed throughout the ages of time.

This shift is ushering in a new and compassionate world, anchored in the power of Universal Love. Individuals will realize the joy and deep satisfaction of a peaceful world where people honor and respect one another and live in peace. This dazzling and miraculous evolution is the planetary shift heralded throughout time. Awaken, rejoice, and celebrate.  The awaited time is here now!

Project Illumination: Self-Reflection Leads to Reunification with the Soul May 26, 2020

Posted by Danna Beal in Project Illumination.
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Tantamount to the world awakening is your individual consciousness being expanded and transformed. You are that one—each of you, with the ability to be restored to your true self, your inner greatness. This is a time of spiritual transformation within each of you. What cannot be achieved within cannot be achieved without.  Reunification with the soul is just that–shining a light on your own fears and weakness and allowing them to dissipate.

In the midst of uncertainty and a worldwide pandemic, you are not helpless and you do not need a savior. Joy is available in the darkest hour when you relax and trust in the unknown. Blessed are you, powerful spiritual beings who have come here to assist in the worldwide awakening.

When you realize that every thought you have is made up by you–the author of your own story, you will then see that you can tell a new story.  Every feeling that that you experience stems from your own story of pain and suffering in the past.  It is time to renounce it all. Suffering is over unless you cling to it.  It is your choice. Give up your path of wallowing in fear and victim-hood.  Choose joy, your natural inheritance—yours for the asking—this moment, right now, and for every moment that you choose. 

Suffering is such a delusional way to live. Give up your stories, recriminations, and accusations toward yourself and others and watch the pain melt away.  Stop holding yourself responsible for the world and for everything that is not in your control, anyway.  Be happy.  Just be happy and trust that each moment will find you and take you to the next exhilarating and wonderful moment. Life is a gift.  Get that deeply in your heart.

Crash through the glass wall of protection, put in place by you.  Recognize that your fear of being duped, abandoned, humiliated, or not loved and your resistance to those outcomes, do not prevent them from happening. Self-protective strategies are your attempts to control the external conditions and they will not save you.  You do not need saving. 

Allow the pain to just come up and see that you are simply trying to protect yourself.  Realize you are not the cause of anyone else’s choices or opinions. The fear of loss or rejection is so locked away that most people don’t even know that fear is what is driving them.  Let it out, release it and move into the world of love, the world you belong in. Be a light for those who cannot see.  Protection is a false need that is just an illusion.  Suffering in silence doesn’t make it easier—actually, it makes it harder to bear.  Just look at that which your fear and find freedom. Most of all, another person is not your savior–you are.

Project Illumination is well on its way but you can assist in its acceleration by fully awakening now. It is time to commit to peace–totally, relentlessly, and passionately. This passage in time is about freedom. Freedom is being threatened and you are the ones who can rise above the artificial power that is controlling so many. Freedom is first a state of being. It is time to give up blame and projection and, instead, fearlessly stand for truth. When you are free, your inner courage will sustain you as a pillar of truth and light.

Witness the Exposure November 22, 2017

Posted by Danna Beal in Authentic Power, Awaken, Inner Peace, Love, Planetary Evolution, Self-Forgiveness, Spiritual Energy, Universal Love.
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Greetings friends,
This is a compilation of some parts of the messages I have received in the past few months but haven’t posted. The ultimate message is one of Universal Love arising in all of us, but at this time it may not always feel like it. Here are the messages:

Celebrate the new energy coming to the planet even when it doesn’t appear so. An enormous exposure of epic proportions is occurring, revealing the underbelly of the hidden scenes supporting the artificial structure of interweaving connections. The exposure is like lifting a huge rock, revealing the insects and worms living beneath it–hidden and protected by the dark and heavy stone. Many of the people who appear to be in charge but who are operating from the greed of the ego, are actually small potatoes. They are only the tip of the iceberg of what has been occurring for generations by those who would manipulate the world for their own gain.

You are now all witnessing the unraveling of the ego on the grand stage–individually and collectively. Don’t despair! Simply observe without fear as the evolutionary shift unfolds before your eyes. If you feel called to action, trust your inner guidance and stand for truth to power.

The exposure will liberate people from the grip of the hidden powers of people who have been overpowering others. Burgeoning efforts by many are bringing about the shift in consciousness. Foretold expansion and changes are arriving. Great tidings for the most awaited time in the history of the planet are happening now with joyous results. Celebrate the new energy coming to the planet.

The source of the problem is the competitive nature within the web of egos. It is a theme of one-upmanship–an effort to gain power and validation over and from others. What most do not understand is that the solution lies in noticing, disengaging, and releasing the seeds of competition in yourself. It can be difficult to do, but it is the necessary and most direct path for awakening.

As you notice the small, petty opinions, comparisons, and judgments made by you, you are valiantly letting go of the grip of your own ego and allowing your true self to emerge. As you set yourself free, you are helping others free themselves. It takes great courage to see the problems or fears in one’s self but that is the path to the strength of authentic power. You don’t need to seek outside for validation, even from those closet to you. Align and trust your inner guidance of Love because your limited viewpoint is too small.

We share with you from a higher perspective, unlimited my time and space. Living from the small version of yourself can keep you frozen or stuck. Your shadow is not deserving of this much time and attention. Stop clinging and reverting to its fearful thoughts and attempts to disqualify you. Do not compare yourself to others and don’t despair or believe your fearful stories.

When you feel fearful, understand that the shadow is completely dedicated to keeping you in shame and insecurity so that you will not ask for and receive divine guidance.

You belong here, doing what you are doing, advancing each hour and day, building momentum and perspective. Trial and error are guidepost which help you see the path ahead, not to limit you, but to inspire you to go further than ever before. Emanate love and compassion, seeing each person as on his/her own path of awakening–no matter how it appears to you.

Prepare for the new dawn of civilization awaiting each of you as you realize your freedom and discover that the source of your dismay is coming from you. All is well, even in these world-wide dark and bleak appearing circumstances. Blind faith is your strength and passion is your source of perseverance. Trust in the almighty strength of Love–your true source. Your source is so magnificent and powerful that it cannot be compared to anything you can achieve by your own efforts.

Attempts to elevate yourself through the fear stemming from your ego are useless efforts. Let go and see that you are right where you need to be. Blind spots in your road can be illuminated with focus and attention.

Trust in your true nature. Your joy is our joy, your strength is our strength. Your courage is supported by us at every moment. We are with you. We are you–without the limitations that you hold in your experience. Bless you and continue in your journey of self-discovery and share your understanding with those you encounter.

There is a source more powerful and greater than any circumstances or mishaps that are appearing in your world. Why do you try to go it alone? Be not dismayed and discouraged—rather lift up and trust in the guiding light of Love. We are here, awaiting your recognition and response at every moment. We love you and provide you with immediate assistance in every environment and each situation. We have not deserted you, nor would we ever. The treasures that await you are blessed with the guidance that will fulfill and delight you.

Bathe in the light of our love. Bask in our delight with you. Take down the shields and allow love to join you in every decision. Feel our presence–the infusion of energy and joy. We are with you at every juncture, paving the way for the perfect journey. Trust in the imminent and powerful infusion of joy and replenishment for you.

Be still and know we are here with you. Your choice to believe in us, even during these experiences of disruptions and significant upsets, carries you through all circumstances. Absolute trust is all we require of you, dear friends and comrades. We guide you as you go beyond the known, the physical limitations of the current state of consciousness, leading others to a new way of understanding, a higher level of clarity, and a place of diminishing fears—a place where only Love abides.

Finding Peace and Love During Challenging Times November 17, 2017

Posted by Danna Beal in 1, Awaken, Emancipation, Inner Peace, Love, Spiritual shift.
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Join John Smallman and me in a conversation on finding peace and love during challenging times. We share our experiences and offer some tips for shifting your attention and aligning with inner guidance when you are experience difficulty, anxiety, and uncertainty.

Video–John Smallman and Danna Beal


Aligning with Love, Inspiration, and Miracles May 26, 2017

Posted by Danna Beal in 1, Authentic Power, Channeling, Love, Personal Freedom.
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As you relax into LOVE and Presence, divine messages are easily accessible, just awaiting your beckoning. How often have you been unaware that right beside you, in an instant, is everything you need or ever wanted and is being offered to you?

All that you require has been awaiting your acknowledgment, extending to you LOVE and a virtual communication of joy and happiness.  All you need do is offer your presence and allow the messages to float into your consciousness to be written down and reviewed at any moment you may falter or have doubts.  The energy soaring through you is mightier than anything you can generate on your own, relying only on your ego and limited mental thoughts. Trust is the brilliant and inescapable path to guidance.  Trusting with a fixed focus on the now moment, prevents fear arising that is ever-lurking in the background, waiting to grip you at the slightest opportunity. The old pattern of fear has a well-worn path causing resistance and, therefore, blocking the powerful messages awaiting you .

The doubting mind is very powerful in influencing you to disregard anything that is not logical and perceived in the normal, everyday style.  Your spiritual guidance is a very subtle, yet magnificently powerful voice, urging you to stop and be aware—to stop and be awake—to open your eyes to another world that is so brilliant everything else pales in comparison.  Yet, you continue to be beguiled and mesmerized by the illusion of reality—the human drama of pain and suffering, blame and shame. Dear hearts, your help is right beside you, like a fluttering breeze, gently easing and relaxing you on a summer day.  Your deepest desires are known to us and we want to assist in every way.  Your joy is our joy, your bliss is our bliss, your satisfaction is our satisfaction—why would we ever refuse you?  We are joined, we are one, and we are LOVE.

The world is in such turmoil but you are part of the unraveling of the grip of tension throughout the world.  As you shift your attention away from fear and onto the presence of LOVE, you assist others in doing the same. As you shift into the higher frequency of joy,  you emanate this energy wherever you go. If you realized how powerful you are, you would be astounded! You would never hold back in fear or self-recrimination.  You would honor the beautify and LOVE within, offering only LOVE to everyone you meet. How could that be difficult? Why would you not want to do this?  Too often distractions, with momentary satisfactions, are so easily available.  As human beings, you are often easily dissuaded from going forth on your magnificent journey by being waylaid with small and brief destinations that offer short-lived or disappointing outcomes.  Vow to be open and present to LOVE today and thrust forward into your shimmering destiny.

Through the Eyes of Love January 30, 2017

Posted by Danna Beal in 1, Global Oneness, Inner Peace, Spiritual Awakening, Universal Love.
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Despite all external appearances, including calamities, chaos, interruptions, and shocking events you see on television and the internet, you are asked to see the world through the eyes of love. This is a defining moment in the history of the world, leading to a time where honor, respect, and love are held in the hearts of people worldwide, who understand and share the vision for a new and cooperative world. Pain and suffering, the result of the contention created by humans, will begin to disappear as people join together for the common good of all people everywhere.

Positions of authority will be occupied by people who hold the highest interest and regard for all people, not just for those at the top. Beliefs in separateness from Source and from each other will be eradicated and people will feel compassion for their fellow beings, their brothers and sisters on the planet. The new cooperative system and structure has been long-awaited but is arriving now, the result of the chaos and dissension finally being played out and exposed for all to see– the erroneous beliefs that have been the underlying cause of the discord, the conflict, and pain in this competitive world.

Seeing through the eyes of love requires suspending your fears and judgments, and instead, trusting that a better world is emerging. When you are in a state of openness, you allow the divine to shine through you, assisting you in understanding all situations from a higher perspective. You will see even difficult circumstances as opportunities for exposure, understanding, and release of former ideologies containing supremacy, competition, pain, and destruction.

Joint decisions that benefit all sides for mutual satisfaction will become clear and recognizable as the only way to a peaceful society–comprised of respectful relationships at all levels. Each of you contributes to the rebuilding of the current societal framework, simply by interacting with compassion and understanding with others you see every day.  You rebuild relationships here and now with how you see and relate with those closest to you.

Have faith, hope, and trust that all is well, in the face of appearances. When you see the world through the eyes of love, you see its perfection for the unfolding plan for society’s transition–a beautiful awakening, bringing a final state of relief from suffering and pain worldwide. This utopia is achievable, the state of cooperation and love is coming, and those who awaken can experience it now. It is already here for those who are awake.

See the beauty in the eyes of your fellow beings and be united and energized by understanding love is in everyone. Love is the source of all power and is the reason you exist. You have all been a part of the massive  delusion that has existed for thousands of years, but is now coming to an end.  Be joyous now and know you are loved and adored. The clouds are parting and the sun is shining through! You are blessed and this is the time to be alive with purpose and gratitude in your hearts. Awaken beloved children of God, the time is now!

Plans for awakening are expanding rapidly. Don’t doubt that this is happening or minimize your part in it.  Be proud of your steps and contribute with the passion instilled in you. Enjoy the journey and trust that you will be prepared for each experience as it unfolds. See the blessings all around you, recognize the synchronicity in all interactions with others, and understand how all situations and events are part of the transition to awakening.

The complexities of this world can be confusing, but the conflicts and discord are the result of the ego and its desire for power and validation. Don’t be hypnotized into believing circumstances or become transfixed on the false appearances or the temporary results of artificial power. They are crumbling and dissolving, even when you can’t see it. Awakening is just that–opening your eyes to the truth, despite the appearances. It is knowing that love is the foundation of all that truly exists.

Standing powerfully in love is the path for emancipation from all previously held beliefs and artificial constructs. The dissension and complexities occurring worldwide are a reflection of the grievances and unresolved conflicts in individuals.  As you find your own sanity and recognize your own misguided beliefs, you assist in the dismantling of the world’s complex societal structure that is holding a stranglehold on people everywhere.  So look within to release your own fears and demons and find the underlying source of love in yourself.  As you experience your personal transformation, you transform the world. As you find your own liberation, you bring freedom to the world.

All the circumstances, events and happenings in the world at this time, no matter how dire they appear, are moving forward in service to the awakening of humanity through the eyes of love. Be at peace.

Recording of John Smallman-Danna Beal Event December 15, 2016

Posted by Danna Beal in Channeling, Emancipation, Personal Restoration Plan.
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The John Smallman-Danna Beal Channeling Workshop on Dec. 10 was a great success with so many positive responses from those attending. Many people shared both in the group and afterwards their alignment experiences–connecting to their spiritual, divine Source–in many different forms–words, images, energy, and inspiration.  If you are one of the attendees, I am so happy you were able to join us for the 2 hour event.


We had many requests for a recording for those who did not attend. We also had requests   for those who did attend who would like a copy to continue the practices and lessons. I have now completed the editing of the recording. It is fun and inspiring to hear the discussions and enjoy a replay of the WONDERFUL workshop. You can get a copy below for $25 for the mp3 audio which will be emailed to you. You will also be emailed the Chapter 69 which John played during the workshop.

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Many of the attendees said they would like a longer event–that they felt their opening to their inner guidance would have continued. So I am hosting a second one on Saturday, January 14, 2017, from 11 am to 2 pm  with several opportunities to practice connecting with your own inner, divine power. It will also include exercises on understanding our roles, revealing our blocks, and finding freedom from relationship conflicts. These steps all lead to  alignment with our divine guidance and personal joy. John Smallman is considering coming again and we will have to see how that unfolds.  To be announced!


Aligning with Your Divine Guidance
Saturday, Jan.14, 2017
11 AM to 2 PM (3 hours)
Wallingford Senior Community Center
4649 Sunnyside Ave N
Suite 140 (lower level)
Seattle, WA 98103

January is a month when people often need to be restored and refreshed. January can be a depressive month for many people, following such a festive holiday period. This January is a time of great infusions of energy so the longer event/workshop will be very powerful and timely. This next session will provide opportunities to really increase your ability to connect with your inner, divine source.

Let me know you if you will be attending by email to danna@dannabeal.com.  Being in a supportive, highly energetic group, along with more exercises, will amplify your reception and understanding of your personal, divine guidance. I am suggesting a $40 donation to help pay for room, supplies, and time.  Feel free to contact me with additional thoughts.


Blessed are those who come together in LOVE, the power that sustains all life and unites you with one another. Prepare the way for your brothers and sisters by adjoining with them at the spiritual level, giving up judgment and  seeing others at their core–their deep and highest selves.

Love unites you, even when you are unaware. Thank you all for your presence, your perseverance, and your commitment, in spite of all the distractions on the planet. You are loved and adored.


I look forward to meeting more and more of you  and hearing your comments.  If you are new to my blog, there are many previous and, yet, timely messages from The Twelve Wise Ones, that I invite you to read. I will also be posting more messages from The Twelve Wise Ones that I haven’t had time to put up. Blessings to all of you. www.thetwelvewiseones.com

Channeling Event — Dec. 10 at 1 PM in Bellevue November 30, 2016

Posted by Danna Beal in Channeling, Love, Spiritual Energy.
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johnI am excdanna-scarf-small-200x200ited to announce a channeling event in the Bellevue, Seattle area for those who might be interested in learning to connect with their inner guidance, channel the Divine, or find some spiritual intuitive answers. My friend, John Smallman, channel for Jesus through John and author of A Saul Book, will be in Seattle on Saturday, Dec. 10, at 1 PM.  John has thousands of followers throughout the world and has been posting his blogs since 1994. My Twelve Wise Ones have been dictating to me since 1981 and is the source and information that is the basis of my books, articles and international talks on spirit in business. Together, we will share our experiences and he will guide you through steps for illuminating your own inner guidance that is awaiting you. If you currently are receiving your own guidance but would like to enhance it, this may clarify your natural ability. So bring pen and paper.

The actual address will be announced but most likely be held in downtown Bellevue, WA. Saturday the traffic is light if you are coming across a bridge.

TO REGISTER-Either email me at danna@dannabeal.com that you are coming or click on the contact form that you are coming. We will let you know the address soon as we are confirmed.

I am asking a suggested donation of $25 for the opportunity to meet John while he is in town but if you aren’t able, please come anyway.

About John Smallman

John was born in England, has traveled worldwide as an international pilot, is the father of three grown children and currently lives in New Hampshire. He leads A Course in Miracles class in New Hampshire and has taught channeling classes there. He has followers from all over the world who are reading his blogs with the beautiful messages from Saul and Jesus through John. John is also the author of A Saul Book.

John’s blogs are:



About Danna Beal

Danna lives in Bellevue where she is an author (The Extraordinary Workplace), international speaker, workshop leader, and coach. She has spoken to over 500 businesses and conferences on Replacing Fear with Trust and Compassion in the Workplace.

Her blog — Messages from Twelve Wise One blog is:


We hope you can come. Let us know by Dec. 5 if possible although we will accept people up to the date.

The Plan of Evolution Is Being Jump Started October 31, 2012

Posted by Danna Beal in Planetary Evolution.
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Scientists are working hard in the world of physics to establish a set of rules explaining phenomenon they are yet unable to measure. It requires a scope of a magnitude that has not been developed. In its absence, critical data is being used to confirm limitations that are actually boundless. Transference of this information is further clouding the mysteries of the universe. Gradual awakening on this planet will assist in the understanding of the world and your place in it. Ruptures on the planet impacting millions of people are occurring. The balance of the planet has been compromised through efforts motivated by greed. The manipulation of the resources is affecting the ability of the planet to sustain itself. You are amongst the people here who are trying to remedy the situation.

Since the dawn of time, the earth has sustained life on the planet. Arising out of selfish motives, people have abandoned their respect for the preciousness of the planet and its resources. The positive exchanges of energy were unhindered in the past but are now clouded.

Your part in the plan of evolution is being jump started now to include a saturation of energy dedicated to healing the planet, its people and its resources. You are on a magnificent journey, one in which the world has never seen. We are proud of your efforts and support you with immense love and clarity. Your willingness to do this work was predicated on your commitment long before you arrived. We know you do not remember but it will all unfold before your eyes.

Your commitment is needed, as is all that are participating in this awakening. The broad based plan extends worldwide with pockets of intense vibrational power impacting other less dense areas. You are right where you are supposed to be. Please remember we are here beside you always—every step of the way. Your power extends farther than you realize so remaining strong and committed provides great results.

Under our guidance you will be able to achieve much to assist this plane’s transformation. Believe in us and do not discount your own power. Undiluted power can result in remarkable results resounding around the world. There are vast opportunities awaiting you and you will be directed by our team. Your faith has brought you to this point and your efforts will be amplified, surging into many arenas. Skepticism by friends has been a launching pad for understanding the fear in yourself, allowing you to move forward undaunted. Own your spiritual inheritance—it is your birthright.

-The Twelve Wise Ones